
rén xīn
  • the will of the people;popular feeling;conscience;public feeling
人心 [rén xīn]
  • (1) [the will of the people]∶指人的感情、愿望等

  • 全国久蛰之人心,乃大兴奋。--孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略序》

  • 这是人心所向,大势所趋

  • (2) [conscience]∶良心

人心[rén xīn]
  1. 企业新闻宣传工作,对内能凝聚人心、统一思想,对外能树立形象、营造有利发展氛围。

    The propaganda work of enterprise news can condense popular feeling , unify our thinking , build the corporate image and build the atmosphere that is helpful for accelerating development .

  2. 另类材料的运用,抽象化的符号设计让这些中式元素变得模糊,似是而非,让人心弛。

    Additional of kind of material apply , the symbolic design of abstraction lets these Chinese style elements become ambiguous , specious , let popular feeling relax .

  3. 他们在电视上看到了警察突击搜捕的激动人心的画面。

    They watched dramatic pictures of the police raid on TV .

  4. 他们等啊等啊,等待着激动人心的事情发生。

    They waited and waited for something exciting to happen .

  5. 他们在接力赛中取得了激动人心的胜利。

    They raced to a thrilling victory in the relay .

  6. 在这座体育场里进行过许多激动人心的足球比赛。

    This stadium has seen many thrilling football games .

  7. 大多数记者梦寐以求的就是要写出最撼动人心的新闻报道来。

    The need to produce the most exciting newspaper story obsesses most journalists .

  8. 地方选举将是检验政府是否得人心的一个很好的试金石。

    The local elections will be a good test of the government 's popularity .

  9. 他告诉了我所有的新闻,但没有一件激动人心的。

    He told me all the news but none of it was very exciting .

  10. 舞蹈演员们的表演激动人心。

    The dancers gave an electrifying performance .

  11. 在一次激励人心的讲话中,部长严厉抨击了军中的种族主义。

    In a rousing speech the minister hit out at racism in the armed forces .

  12. 尽管他的成就不怎么激动人心,可依然备受赞赏。

    His achievements , though hardly exciting , were widely admired .

  13. 他们在洪都拉斯以4比1获胜的那场比赛尤其激动人心。

    Their 4-1 win in Honduras was a particularly lively affair .

  14. 会议的确开得有板有眼,但谈不上激动人心。

    Really it 's a workmanlike conference rather than a dramatic one

  15. 那并非我们本赛季最激动人心的表现。

    It was not exactly our most inspiring performance of the season .

  16. 开阔的火山坡让人心生怪异地联想起月球的地貌。

    The vast volcanic slope was eerily reminiscent of a lunar landscape .

  17. 大部分旅行途中都有激动人心或逗人开怀的时刻。

    Most of these trips had exciting or comic moments .

  18. 这些奖只是个开始。其他激动人心的奖励还会接踵而至。

    These prizes are just for starters . Other exciting offers are flooding in

  19. 尼古拉·杰米坚科的表演激动人心且富有诗意。

    Nikolai Demidenko gave an exciting yet poetic performance .

  20. 然后就在开幕式开始之前,她决定要宣布一件激动人心的事情。

    She then decided right before the opening to make a dramatic announcement .

  21. 英国近年的拳击比赛中很少有如此激动人心的。

    Few contests in the recent history of British boxing have been as thrilling .

  22. 《追梦者》这部影片讲述了都柏林一个摇滚乐队的激荡人心的故事。

    ' The Commitments ' is the gutsy story of a Dublin rock band .

  23. 迈克尔的嗓音轻柔而且抚慰人心。

    Michael 's voice was gentle and consoling .

  24. 绘画、雕塑和建筑领域最近出现了激动人心的艺术突破。

    Exciting artistic breakthroughs have recently occurred in the fields of painting , sculpture and architecture

  25. 这本书介绍了固态物理中一些最激动人心的发现。

    This book opens the door to some of the most exciting findings in solid-state physics

  26. 欧洲赛季的最后一场高尔夫球锦标赛就要迎来最激动人心的时刻。

    The last golf tournament of the European season is building up to a dramatic climax .

  27. 这些新歌听起来更直入人心。

    The new songs are more direct

  28. 他的嗓音低沉悦耳,他的讲话能抚慰人心。

    His voice was deep and mellow and his speech had a soothing and comforting quality .

  29. 正如从前的记者常说的那样,歌声直击人心。

    The effect of that singing , as the old-time reporters used to say , was electrical .

  30. 当新娘伴着激动人心的乐曲走在教堂的走廊上时,即便最冰冷的心都会融化。

    When a bride walks down the aisle to a stirring tune , even the iciest of hearts melt .