
rén shēng dà shì
  • Life Events;the most important event of one's life
人生大事[rén shēng dà shì]
  1. 我始终相信人生大事都是按自然顺序发展的。

    I always believe in the natural succession of life 's events .

  2. 人生大事,一生中的转折点(如结婚/死亡等)如果你们再发生这种事,你们将会被处死!

    If you ever do this again , your punishment will be death !

  3. 唱歌是她的人生大事。

    Singing is her life , ie the most important thing in her existence .

  4. 一旦解决了人生大事,它便又会慢慢地爬回树顶去了。

    Once it 's finished , it 'll head back up into the trees .

  5. 婚姻是家庭的基础,是一件人生大事。

    Marriage is the foundation of the family , and it is a life event .

  6. 结婚,古往今来都被人称为人生大事。

    Marriage , as it always had been known as a major event in life .

  7. 这样的人生大事,你可不能急匆匆的下决定啊。

    You don 't want to rush such a grand decision as your life 's purpose .

  8. 从幸福的角度而言,爱情是一件人生大事。

    In the sight of happiness , romantic love is very important in one 's life .

  9. 当然包括日常生活的各种事情、人生大事和意外事件。

    The daily circumstances of our lives , the major events as well as the incidentals .

  10. 我对自己的人生大事将毫无任何发言权。

    I would 've had precious little say in the major matters of my own life .

  11. 村民载歌载舞,好像这真的就是穆克什真正的人生大事,婚礼现场热闹非凡。

    They danced and cheered as though it was Mukesh 's real life wedding , it was claimed .

  12. 三分之一的人坦言,当代人在既定时间内实现人生大事得承担着更大的压力。

    One in three people said they felt there was more pressure on the current generation to reach milestones within specific time-frames .

  13. 随着预期寿命变长以及更多的孩子进入大学,离家独立和要小孩等人生大事的发生时间正逐渐推后。

    Milestones such as leaving home and having kids are getting later , as life expectancy grows and more kids attend university .

  14. 生死乃人生大事,因此,死刑得到越来越多的人的关注。

    Life and death is a major event in life , so the death penalty has aroused more and more attention among people .

  15. 是的,这是两个年轻人的人生大事,对双方父母而言,也是极其重要的。

    Yes , it is a rite of passage for these two young people , but it is also very important for their parents .

  16. 研究发现,最尴尬的一件人生大事初吻最好发生在青涩的15岁。

    The research found that the most awkward life milestone - the first kiss - is best ticked off at the tender age of 15 .

  17. 最好的管理方法就是帮助员工实现梦想,职业发展是员工的人生大事,如果组织能够给予帮助和指导,并且帮助员工进步,员工就会用忠诚和业绩来回报自己的组织。

    That the company help the person to realize his dream is the best way of management . Career development is very important in personal life .

  18. 这些高校表示,理想候选人为退休党员和政府官员;并希望这些经验丰富的退休人士能够在学生们的人生大事上给予忠告。

    They said , ideally , candidates would be retired Party and governmental officials . They hoped these experienced pensioners would give students on important life issues .

  19. 在中越的某些传统文化中,人们仍保留着动物祭祀或向动物告知诸如婚丧嫁娶之类的人生大事的习俗。

    In some areas of Chinese and Vietnamese culture , some customs still remain , such as sacrificing animals to the god and informing animals of marriage and funeral .

  20. 有时这种感觉似乎是无动于衷,但城市生活公约限制自己的人生大事,好奇的陌生人。

    Sometimes this feeling seems to be one of indifference , but it is a convention of city life to curb one 's curiosity about the personal affairs of strangers .

  21. 一项2000人参与的调查报告列举了从15岁初吻到60岁享受较早的退休待遇等共25项人生大事。

    According to a poll of 2,000 people , the 25 milestones begin with a first kiss at the age of 15 and end with a relatively early retirement at 60 .

  22. 择偶问题是青年期必须要面对的一件人生大事,在当前社会剧烈转型的时期,择偶模式一直处于由传统型向现代型的不断转变之中。

    Mate selection is a life event the young must face . In the current social transformation period , mate selection mode has been changing from traditional type to modern type .

  23. 查理罹患脑瘤后,很多人以为他活不到亲眼见证主人婚礼的时刻,但查理挨到了那一刻,最后一次见证凯莉的人生大事。

    He managed to be there for one last milestone in her life after contracting a brain tumor . Most people thought Charlie wouldn 't live long enough to witness Kelly 's wedding .

  24. 当相亲族以及他们的家人为了结婚这一“人生大事”忙活儿时,都市不婚族悄然兴起。

    The family that becomes photograph cognation and them is finish marriage this one " life important matter " work when , city not marriage a group of things with common features sadly arisen .

  25. 荷兰的研究者们发现,人们在憋尿的时候能够就人生大事做出更好的决定,这是因为人们为控制生理需求而作出的努力会波及到我们所做出的其他选择。

    Researchers in the Netherlands have determined important life decisions may be best made while holding your water , as having control over our physical needs seems to , um , splash over onto the wider choices we make .

  26. 《华尔街日报》报道了在过去几年进行的一些研究,研究发现,人的性格会随着经历一些人生大事而不断变化,比如一段稳定感情的开始、事业的晋升。

    The Wall Street Journal reports several research studies conducted over the past few years show a person 's personality naturally changes over time in response to life events such as entering a committed relationship or advancing in your career .

  27. 西娅用这句话介绍自己,向公众介绍自己即将成为挪威的儿童新娘,经历这一人生大事,展开人生新旅程。

    This is how Thea has introduced her upcoming journey and major life event of soon being a child bride in Norway . Using this blog she will tell her story and express how she believes her experience of marriage will be .

  28. 几年前,我生命中发生了一件改变人生的大事。

    Years ago , a critical event occurred in my life that would change it forever .

  29. 在可能改变人生的大事上,你必须冒险。

    For the life-changing things , you must risk it .

  30. 分娩是改变人生的大事。

    Childbirth is a life-changing event .