
yù yīnɡ shì
  • Nursery Room;infant nursery
  1. 其他设施:T5新设了一个育婴室。

    Other amenities : Terminal 5 features a new a nursing room .

  2. 我想他正往育婴室方向去。

    I think he 's headed for the baby room .

  3. 当婴儿出生的时候,他们将书房改为育婴室。

    They convert the study into a nursery when the baby is borne .

  4. 婴儿出生时,他们把书房改成了育婴室。

    They converted the study into a nursery when the baby was born .

  5. 那天晚上,当查尔斯王子陪黛安娜参观育婴室的时候,他向她求婚。

    Late that evening , while Prince Charles was showing Diana the nursery , he asked her to marry him .

  6. 我们可以用多出来的空间改造成客房或者办公室,甚至是…-育婴室

    We -- we could use the extra space for a guest room or an office or maybe even ... - a nursery .

  7. 当这五个婴儿还安祥地睡在某医院育婴室的氧气帐内时,他们的父母却在为名声付出代价了。

    While the five babies were still quietly sleeping in oxygen tents in a hospital nursery , their parents were paying the price for fame .

  8. 这个粪球对它们有很多用途,可以是它们的房子,育婴室,或者供它们充饥的一大块糕点。

    They can use the ball as their homes , lay their eggs on it , or if they 're hungry , snack on it .

  9. 这两只粉色的新生儿在出生后不久就被分开照料。一只待在妈妈伦伦身边,另一只则由动物育婴室照顾。再过一两个星期,它们就会长出一块块黑色的绒毛。

    The pink-colored twins black patches of hair will begin to appear in a week or two were separated shortly after birth , with one staying with Lun Lun and the other being cared for in the zoo 's nursery .

  10. 甚至出生后短短几分钟,在育婴室大声嚎哭的新生儿当中,只有他没哭,而是用一双成熟、世故、担忧的眼睛四下打量,神情犹如这些事他已做过多次,不清楚再做一次的感觉有何兴奋。

    Even minutes after his birth , amid all the squalling newborns in the nursery , he alone was not crying , but looking around with adult , worldly and worried eyes , looking as though he 'd done all this before so many times and wasn 't sure how excited he felt about having to do it again .