
  1. 博物馆数字化、信息化,亦将是未来潮流所趋,注入RFID的新科技于博物馆,利用数码科技的智能,使博物馆广博的内涵展出的同时,呈现更精湛、更富有育乐性及教育性。

    Digitalization and informatization for museums is the future trend . A museum implemented with RFID employs smart technology to express extensive connotation and rich entertainment and education .

  2. 为失聪或听障者提供育乐营。

    For deaf or deaf offer camp .

  3. 育乐营的第二个理念,则是提供一个全英文的环境给孩子们。

    The second main idea of the camp is to provide an English-only environment for students to practice .

  4. 早在1976年,北加州一位名叫祖安·班斯的母亲急需为自己的孩子们寻找一个育乐课程。

    Back in1976 , a mum in Northern California named Joan Barnes was searching for a play program for her children .

  5. 她希望找一个集趣味性和激励性活动为一身的,并且自己可以同时参与其中的育乐课程。

    She wanted fun , stimulating activities but also she wanted to participate alongside her child rather than simply sit on the sidelines .

  6. (四)化、育、乐和其他公共活动场所,为残疾人提供方便和照顾。有计划地兴办残疾人活动场所。

    Provide facilities and accommodations for disabled persons at places of cultural , sports , recreative and other public activities and set up in a planned way activity centres for disabled persons .