
yù yāng
  • raise rice seedlings;sprout cultivation
育秧 [yù yāng]
  • [raise rice seedlings] 培植幼苗

  • 苗圃育秧

育秧[yù yāng]
  1. 盘育秧精密播种流水线PLC控制系统设计

    Design of PLC controll system of precise seeding assembly line for rice seedling nursing

  2. 抗寒剂CR-4在我地区水稻育秧中推广使用效果

    The application effects of the COLD-RESISTER CR-4 in our area 's rice seedling culture

  3. 抗寒剂CR-4在铜陵县水稻育秧中的应用试验研究

    The application studies of the COLD-RESISTER CR-4 for rice seedling culture in Tongling County

  4. EM原露在水稻育秧上的试验效果

    Effects of EM original liquid on rice seedling raising

  5. 基于SolidWorks的水稻盘育秧用土处理机的虚拟设计

    Virtual Design of Soil-processor in Rice-seedling Raising-by-plates by SolidWorks

  6. 不同育秧方式对早稻叶片SOD活性、电解质渗透率和发根力的影响创新,企业竞争力的根源

    Effect of the different methods of rice nursery on activity of superoxide dismutase , ion leakage of rice leaves and root growing power

  7. 旱育秧根系和发根节的ABA含量低于湿润育秧和塑盘水育秧,GA含量则最高;

    ABA content of roots and rooting joint for seedlings from dry bed Was lower and GA content Was higher than that of seedlings from wet bed and plastic tray .

  8. NAA浓度与浸泡时间对菊花扦插生根的影响水稻编织布隔层育秧不同浸种时间试验研究

    Study of NAA on the Rooting of Soft Stem cutting of the Chrysanthemum morifolium A study on different seed soaking times of rice seedlings interlayer culture with weaved cloth

  9. 通过腐植酸型水稻育秧剂适宜用量的试验,结果表明,施用腐植酸型水稻育秧剂能有效提高秧苗质量,72孔育苗盘每盘适宜用量为5g。

    The study of test indicated that , irrigate humic acid type rice fertilizer can improve the quantity of seedlings effectively , 72 holes plate of cultivation seedlings and the suitable amount for each one is 5g .

  10. 穴盘育秧播种装置的设计

    Design of Device for Raising Seedling and Seeding in Aperture Disk

  11. 旱育秧密度对杂交水稻秧苗素质的影响

    Influence of Drought Seed Density on Quality of Hybrid Rice Seedlings

  12. 江西春季低温及防御措施南郑春季低温及对水稻育秧的危害

    The spring low temperature hazard in Jiangxi and Countermeasures against it

  13. 说出使用水稻联合播种生产线上的育秧过程。

    Describe the process of rice seedling with combine sowing line .

  14. 水稻孔穴塑盘育秧技术研究

    Studies on the technique for raising rice seedlings with honeycomb tray

  15. 在育秧期生物活性水有壮秧作用。

    Bioactive water treatment improved the rice seedling in seedling period .

  16. 水稻育秧抗寒剂应用效果研究

    Applying Effects of a Cold Resistance Agent in Rice Seedling Raising

  17. 不同育秧栽插方式对水稻产量的影响

    Influence of Different Raising Seedling and Planting Patterns on Rice Yield

  18. 水稻蓝膜棚式育秧效果的研究

    Effect of rice seedlings by shed covered with blue plastic film

  19. 水稻种植机械化包含水稻育秧栽植机械化和直播机械化两种方式。

    The rice-planting mechanization includes rice transplanting and direct - sowing .

  20. 水稻旱育秧抗性生理与结实性状的研究

    Cold Tolerance and Seed Setting of Dryland Raised Seedlings in Rice

  21. 气吸式超级水稻毯状苗盘育秧播种流水线设计

    Seeding Pipeline Design of Suction Blanket-type Raise Rice Seedling for Super-rice

  22. 育秧方式与播种量对水稻机插长龄秧苗的影响

    Effects seedling raising methods and sowing rates on machine-transplanted long-age rice seedling

  23. 水稻蓝膜育秧光质效应的研究

    Studies on Light Quality Effect on Rice Seedling Culture Using Blue Film

  24. 水稻专用无纺布育秧效果研究

    Study on the Effect of Rice Seedling Nursery with Non-textile

  25. 水稻育秧环境对秧苗生长的影响

    Effect of Rice Seedling Raising Conditions on Rice Seedling Growth

  26. 水稻育秧抗寒剂在冷凉地区杂交中稻上的应用

    Application of cold resistant agent to hybrid rice seedling in cold area

  27. 水稻旱育秧细胞生物学效应研究

    A study of the cytobiology of rice seedlings raised under upland conditions

  28. 南郑春季低温及对水稻育秧的危害

    Spring Low Temperature and it 's Damage to Rice Seedling in Nanzheng

  29. 机插稻育秧床土的培肥效应研究

    Effect of Seedbed Soil Fertilizing for Mechanical Transplanting Rice Seedling

  30. 旱育秧技术扩散模型与实证分析

    The Diffusion Model Analysis of Rises Rice Seedling on Land