
  • 网络growth law;law of growth and development
  1. 通过引种试验,对鲁梅克斯K-1杂交酸模的生长发育规律、营养成分、耐盐力等进行了研究。结果表明,该杂交酸模在肥水充足的条件下,营养价值高,蛋白质含量高达20%~38%;

    The research focused on the growth law , nutrient components and the ability of Rumex K 1 hybrid sorrel to salt tolerance through the introduction experiments .

  2. 自贡黑山羊生后期生长发育规律的研究

    Study on the growth law of Zigong black goat after being born

  3. 目的探讨人胎发育后期大肠壁内NOS阳性神经元的生长发育规律。

    Objective : To explore the rule of development of NOS positive neurons in tongue of human fetus .

  4. 目前,基于CT影像的三维重建技术广泛应用于医学领域,为颅面部畸形的正确诊断分析提供了可能,成为研究颅颌面生长发育规律的重要手段。

    Nowadays , 3-dimensional reconstruction based on CT radiographs is used in medical field widely and makes accurate diagnosis possible and becomes an important method for the study concentrating on growth and development .

  5. 对苦竹Pleioblastusamarus生长发育规律进行了初步研究。

    The rhythm of growth and development of Pleioblastus amarus were studied .

  6. 目的探讨出生~学龄前小儿脊柱的生长发育规律及椎体生长板血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)的表达与作用。

    Objective To study the rate of the spinal growth from birth to preschool period and the expression and effect of the vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF ) in the vertebral growth plate .

  7. 研究了唐菖蒲栽培品种‘Traderhorn’和‘AdvancedRed’露地栽培条件下,不同种植期匍匐茎和子球的生长发育规律。

    Growth and development of stolon and cormel were investigated in two cultivars ' Traderhorn ' and ' Advanced Red ' of Gladiolus hybridus planted at three dates in the field .

  8. 鸭早期生长发育规律及A-FABP基因多态性与脂肪性状关联分析

    The Analysis of the Early Growth-development Patterns and the Correlation between Genetic Polymorphism of A-FABP Gene with Fat Traits in Ducks

  9. 为了更好地利用柴胡(Bupleurum)这一重要的药用植物资源,详细介绍了近年来国内外在柴胡的属内分类,柴胡种子萌发特性和生长发育规律等方面的研究进展。

    In order to utilize the medicinal resources of Bupleurum , the research advance are introduced in this article , including intragenus classification , seed germination , growth and development characteristics .

  10. 黑龙江籽鹅早期生长发育规律的研究

    Study on the Early Growth and Development of Heilongjiang Zi Goose

  11. 郑州地区夏初尸食性麻蝇生长发育规律观察

    Growing rule of Sarcophaga carnaria in early summer in Zhengzhou City

  12. 肉鸭消化器官生长发育规律初探

    Preliminary study on the development of digestive organs in meat-type ducks

  13. 波尔山羊羔羊生长发育规律研究

    Studies on the Growth and Developmental Rules of Young Boer Goat

  14. 雪茄外包皮烟叶的生长发育规律及成熟度的研究

    Studies on the Development and Maturity of Cigar Wrapper Tobacco Leaves

  15. 母乳喂养儿第一年内生长发育规律探讨

    The Pattern of Growth of Breast-fed Infants in The First Year

  16. 红松生长发育规律研究

    A study on growth regularity and development rhythm of Pinus koraiensis

  17. 人工育幼豚鹿幼仔的生长发育规律初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Growth Rule of Young Captive Hog Deer

  18. 出生前山羊脑和脊髓的生长发育规律何杰金病侵犯脑及脊髓的放射治疗

    Development of the Brain and Spinal Cord in Prenatal Goat

  19. 都柳江低热河谷区夏橙果实的生长发育规律

    The growth and development of Valencia sweet orange in Duh'u river valley

  20. 玉米叶片生长发育规律及其功能的研究

    Studies on Maize Leaf 's Growth and Development Rhythm and Its Function

  21. 夏玉米不同种植方式生长发育规律研究

    Studies on developmental patterns of summer maize grown under different planting conditions

  22. 乌苏里貉生长发育规律研究及其生长曲线模型拟合

    Growth Rule and Growth Curve Model Fit to Raccoon Dog

  23. 糙皮侧耳在玉米秸秆中的生长发育规律

    A Study on the Growth of Pleurotus ostreatus in Maize Straw Media

  24. 艺术体操运动员生长发育规律的研究

    Research on the Growth Regularity of Competive Rhythmic Gymnastics Athletes

  25. 籽瓜种子生长发育规律的研究

    Studies on the Growth and Development Regularity of Seed-watermelon Seed

  26. 圈养繁育大熊猫幼仔生长发育规律的研究

    A study on the growth and development of captive-born giant panda cubs

  27. 长春地区种植冬小麦生长发育规律的研究

    The Study on Growth and Development of Winter Wheat Grown in Changchun

  28. 不同类型饲用玉米的生长发育规律研究

    Study of growth orderliness on different types of feeding maize

  29. 滴灌条件下4种树木生长发育规律的研究

    Study on the Growth Law of Four Species of Trees Under Drip Irrigation

  30. 双季茭白生长发育规律研究

    Study on developmental law of double cropping fewflower wildrice