
  • 网络The Edge of Life;Brink of Life;Nara livet;Nra livet
  1. 当他终于拥有她时,他们好象在生命神秘的边缘攀上了快乐之颠。

    And when he possessed her , they seemed to swoon together at the very borderland of life 's mystery .

  2. 但是,当前我国的教育过于功利化,仍处于传授知识和技能的层次,而忽略的对启迪智慧的关注,润泽生命的层面被边缘化。

    But unfortunately , education nowadays in our country is too utilitarian , which has to still remain in the primary stage , yet what should have been focused on , to enlighten wisdom and enrich life , are ignored seriously .