
  • 网络biological hydrogen production;Biohydrogen
  1. 生物制氢&能源、资源、环境与经济可持续发展策略

    Biological Hydrogen Production : Strategies for Sustainable Development of Energy , Resources , and Environment

  2. 在生物质制氢过程中,生物质的水解程度直接决定着氢气的产量,因此生物质的预处理对生物制氢非常关键。

    The hydrolysis degree of biomass directly determines the hydrogen yield in the process of hydrogen production from biomass . Therefore , the pretreatment of biomass for biological hydrogen production is critical .

  3. 乙醇型发酵法生物制氢中COD浓度变化对发酵厌氧活性污泥产氢系统的影响

    Effects of COD on activated sludge anaerobic fermentation system for hydrogen production

  4. 基于PLC的生物制氢反应器的设计及暗发酵制氢的启动

    The Design of Hydrogen Production Reactor Based on PLC and the Start-up of Dark Fermentation Hydrogen Production

  5. CSTR生物制氢反应器流场数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Flow Field in CSTR Hydrogen Bio-Production Reactor

  6. 在每隔3d投加2g半胱氨酸(即220mg/L反应器)条件下,20天内可以使生物制氢反应器的发酵类型由丙酸型发酵转变为乙醇型发酵,从而提高了反应器的产氢能力。

    After 20 days , the fermentation type change to propyl acid type fermentation , and the system recovered the H2-production capability .

  7. PCR-DGGE技术解析生物制氢反应器微生物多样性

    Application of PCR-DGGE to Resolve Microbial Diversity in Bio-Hydrogen Producing Reactor

  8. 利用高浓度有机废水进行生物制氢,实质是产氢产酸发酵细菌将有机物质分解为有机酸(乙酸、丁酸等)和乙醇等产物,同时释放出发酵气体H2和CO2的过程。

    Organic materials in organic wastewater were decomposed by hydrogen-producing bacteria into organic acids ( acetic acid , butyric acid , etc. ), ethanol , CO2 and H2 .

  9. 生物制氢反应器投菌的最佳时间是细菌培养30h左右。

    The best time of adding bacterium to the bio-hydrogen production reactors was around 30 hours after cultured .

  10. 以发酵法生物制氢反应器排放的废液为培养基,考察了复合型高效产絮菌F2-F6制取生物絮凝剂(BF)的最佳发酵条件。

    The compound bio - flocculants - producing bacteria , named F_2 - F_6 , was adopted to investigate the optimum fermentation conditions using the effluent from bio - hydrogen - producing reactor as culture substrate .

  11. 采用混合菌种非周定化技术可以充分发挥HPB的产氢活性,但是由于反应器内HPB的数量和比例不高,大大制约了混合菌种非固定技术生物制氢反应器效能的充分发挥。

    But the hydrogen production efficiency was reduced because the low number and low proportion of HPB in the reactor .

  12. 本研究从不同的工程控制参数的调控下探讨CSTR和UASB两反应器进行生物制氢效果分析,并且处理了红糖和大豆蛋白混合底物。

    This research from different engineering of the control parameters under control and two reactors CSTR discusses UASB biological hydrogen effect analysis , and deal with the brown sugar and soybean protein mixed the substrate .

  13. 采用连续流和静态试验进行了模拟淀粉废水厌氧发酵法生物制氢,探讨了有机负荷(OLR)和pH值对产氢能力和液相末端产物的影响。

    The experiments of anaerobic fermentation hydrogen bio-production ( HBP ) from simulated starch wastewater were conducted in continuous and batch reactor . Effects of organic loading rate ( OLR ) and pH on hydrogen production capacity and liquid products were investigated .

  14. 为获得高效产氢发酵细菌,采用改进的厌氧Hungate培养技术,从生物制氢反应器CSTR中分离一株产氢细菌X1。

    To obtain hydrogen-producing bacterium of high efficiency , a strain X-1 of hydrogen-producing bacteria was isolated from the continuous stirred-tank reactor ( CSTR ) by anaerobic Hungate technique .

  15. 主要从事太阳能生物制氢、物质发酵制氢、机废物处置与资源化利用、源微生物应用等研究。ABR发酵产氢系统的运行控制及产氢效能研究

    Our work focus on the research field of Photobiological hydrogen production , fermentative hydrogen production , dispose and resource utilization of organic waste , application of microorganism resource . Performing Characteristics and Hydrogen Production Efficiency of an Anaerobic Baffled Reactor Used as a Fermentation System

  16. 新型废水生物制氢系统的研发和应用

    Research , Development and Application of Bio - hydrogen Production System

  17. 初始条件对生物制氢反应器中顶极群落的影响

    Effect of initial conditions on climax community in hydrogen bio-production reactor

  18. 丁酸型发酵生物制氢反应器的运行特性研究

    Continuous operation of hydrogen - producing reactor with butyrate - type fermentation

  19. 近年来,生物制氢技术发展迅速。

    The biohydrogen production technology has been rapidly developing in recent years .

  20. 21世纪生物制氢技术的研究进展

    Progress of Bio - hydrogen Production in the 21 Century

  21. 发酵法生物制氢系统接种污泥预处理方法及效果研究

    Pretreatment Methods of Activated Sludge Used to Inoculate Fermentative Hydrogen Production System

  22. 光合细菌产氢及其影响因素光合菌生物制氢技术

    Hydrogen production by photosynthetic bacteria and the factors of affecting hydrogen production

  23. 新型生物制氢反应器的运行及产氢特性

    Continuous operation and hydrogen production characteristics of a novel hydrogen production reactor

  24. 扩大产氢微生物种质资源是生物制氢领域重要的研究课题。

    Enlarging species resources of hydrogen-producing bacteria is of importance in bio-hydrogen field .

  25. 发酵生物制氢研究进展

    Research progress in dark microbial fermentation for bio-hydrogen production

  26. 厌氧发酵生物制氢微生物及工艺开发的研究进展

    Bacterial community and process development for anaerobic hydrogen fermentation

  27. 采用细胞固定化技术实现连续化的产氢是光生物制氢付诸实际的基础。

    Cell immobilization was the feasible technique to realize the continuous hydrogen production .

  28. 厌氧产氢细菌连续生物制氢放大实验的研究

    Studies on Pilot Continuous Bio-hydrogen Production by Anaerobic Bacteria

  29. 生物制氢过程实现温度控制的解决方案

    Temperature Control in the Process of Biochemical Producing Hydrogen

  30. 连续流生物制氢反应器乙醇型发酵的运行特性

    Continuous Operation of Hydrogen Bio-Production Reactor with Ethanol-Type Fermentation