
  • 网络Bioleaching;bio-leaching
  1. 矿浆电解和生物浸出特别适用于难以处理的低品位复杂矿石。

    Mineral slurry electrolysis and Bioleaching as new technique of Hydrometallurgy can thus be profitably applied in low-grade complex ore processing .

  2. 此外还较详细地评述了影响生物浸出的主要因素、生物浸出过程的改进及强化措施。

    Besides , the main factors influencing on bioleaching , different measures for its improvement and intensification were reviewed in some detail .

  3. f菌产生较明显的变异,能较好地提高菌种的活性和对低品位黄铜矿的生物浸出性能。

    F , which could improve its bio-activity and its bio-leaching properties for low grade chalcopyrite ores .

  4. 国内外湿法冶金中常采用黄钾铁矾法或针铁矿法等方法除铁,硫化沉淀法分步沉淀或较高pH条件下萃取分离镍、钴,不适用于常温、较低pH的生物浸出液。

    Iron was precipitated by the formation of jarosite or goethite . And sulfide precipitation or extraction of nickel and cobalt at high pH were used in the hydrometallurgy at home and abroad .

  5. SY菌对大冶地区混合型铜矿石浸出结果表明土著分离的菌株在本土矿石生物浸出中能显示出很大的优势。

    The leaching result of mixed copper ore in Daye region by strain SY showed that indigenous strains can show a lot of advantages in the bioleaching of ores .

  6. 氧化铁硫杆菌的微波诱变及对低品位黄铜矿的生物浸出

    Bio-leaching of Low Grade Copper Ores with Microwave Mutated T. f

  7. 基于内含传感器逆的生物浸出过程关键变量的软测量

    " Assumed Inherent Sensor " Inversion Based Soft-Sensing in Bioleaching Process

  8. 铀矿石生物浸出中氟对铁-硫氧化细菌的影响

    Influence of Fluorine Ion to Iron-Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria in the Uranium Bioleaching

  9. 金属硫化物矿物生物浸出过程中Fe~(3+)的作用

    Functions of Ferric Irons on the Bioleaching of Sulfide Minerals

  10. 生物浸出是近几十年发展的一种新技术。

    Bioleaching is a newly developed technique in recent decades .

  11. 金属离子强化铁闪锌矿浮选精矿的生物浸出

    Enhancement of bioleaching of marmatite flotation concentrate by metallic ions ROCK METALS

  12. 金和基本金属生物浸出的新进展

    New development of biological leaching for extraction of gold and base metals

  13. 低品位原生黄铜矿生物浸出技术的应用实践

    The Practice of Low Grade Primary Chalcopyrite Bacteria Leaching Technology

  14. 生物浸出回收废弃镍-镉电池研究

    Recycling of the Spent Nickel-Cadmium Batteries Based on Bioleaching Process

  15. 生物浸出脱除铝土矿选矿尾矿中铁矿物的实验研究

    Test Study of Bioleaching Iron Minerals from Bauxite Flotation Tailings

  16. 生物浸出废旧锂离子电池中钴的菌种选育技术

    Screening and Breeding Bacteria of Bioleaching Cobalt from Spent Lithium ion Batteries

  17. Fe~(3+)离子在低品位铜矿生物浸出中的行为分析

    Fe ~ ( 3 + ) behavior in the low copper bioleaching

  18. 脱硫菌磁化培育及生物浸出脱除煤中黄铁矿硫的研究

    Study on Desulfurization Bacterium Magnetizing Cultivated and Bio-Leaching Removal the Pyrite in Coal

  19. 磁搅拌反应器中铁闪锌矿精矿的生物浸出

    Bioleaching of Marmatite Concentrate in Magnetic Stirring Reactor

  20. 硫化矿生物浸出过程的热力学

    Thermodynamics during Bioleaching Processes of Sulfide - Ores

  21. 嗜热嗜酸菌生物浸出低品位原生硫化铜矿

    Bioleaching Oxidation of Low Grade Chalcopyrite with Thermoacidophile

  22. 硫化矿高温生物浸出工艺研究和应用进展

    Advances in Research and Application of Bioleaching Process for Sulfide Ores Using Thermophilic Microorganism

  23. 生物浸出及其在有色冶金中的应用

    Bioleaching and Its Application in Nonferrous Metallurgy

  24. 生物浸出磁黄铁矿的研究概况

    Survey of bioleaching of pyrrhotite

  25. 在复杂生物浸出液分离过程中,铁元素是浸出液中的关键杂质离子。

    Iron is the key impurity ion in the complex bio-leaching solution during the purification separation process .

  26. 进行了金川露天剥离镍矿的生物浸出实验。

    Bioleaching experiments on the open stripe nickel ore in Jinchuan Mine of China were carried out .

  27. 铁闪锌矿浮选精矿生物浸出

    Bioleaching of marmatite flotation concentrate

  28. 铜、铀、金等的生物浸出已初步实现了工业化。

    The microbial leaching of copper , uranium , gold , etc. has already been put into industrialized production .

  29. 低品位硫化锌矿生物浸出液中锌的富集和铁的去除

    Concentration of Zinc and Separation of Ferric Iron from the Biochemical Lixivium of Low-grade Zinc Sulfide by Solvent Extraction

  30. 黄铜矿的生物浸出过程中,微生物的胞外多聚物对于生物膜的形成以及黄铜矿的氧化溶解起到了至关重要的作用。

    The extracellular polymeric substances of microorganism play an important role in biofilm formation and the oxidation and dissolution of chalcopyrite .