
  • 网络oil and grease
  1. 吹脱对含油类污染物地下水处理效果的研究

    Research of Air-Blowing Process to Remove Oil Pollutants in Underground Water

  2. 微生物固定化技术对地表水油类污染物的修复

    Technique of Immobilized Microbe Remediation for Oil Pollution in Surface Water

  3. 三元乙丙超细纤维毡的制备及其处理油类污染物的机理研究

    Preparation of EPDM Ultrafine Fiber Mat and Oil Contaminants Cleanup Mechanisms

  4. 地下(表)水中油类污染物检测系统研究

    The research of oil pollutant detecting system in the groundwater and surface water

  5. 油类污染物对环境和工业生产危害很大。

    Grease pollutants do harm vey much to our environment and industrial production .

  6. 对空气注射法脱除地下水中油类污染物提出一个溶解动力学和弥散动力学模型。

    A solvent and disperse kinetics model applied to air sparging for the contaminated groundwater with petrochemicals is presented .

  7. 包气带土层系统中油类污染物的性质和降解微生物的分布特性是影响污染物自然衰减和污染包气带强化生物治理的重要自然和生物学因素。

    Properties of the hydrocarbon contaminants and distribution of the degrading microbes are significant factors influencing the natural attenuation of the pollutants and the enhanced bioremediation of the polluted soil .

  8. 轧钢废水是一种常见的工业废水,其污染物主要是在对钢材表面进行喷淋冷却过程中带入系统中的氧化铁皮以及各润滑点的漏油、渗油所造成的油类污染物。

    Rolling waste water is a common kind of industrial waste water . The mainly contamination are scale of spray on the surface of billet , leap and seek of lubrication system .

  9. 油类污染物泄漏或排放到自然水体中,将会造成水体的污染,而且严重地威胁人们身体的健康。因此,水中油污染的在线测量已变得极为重要。

    Water will be polluted if oil-pollution leaks or drawn into the natural water , which threatened the health of people . So , it is extremely important to measure the oil-pollution in water .

  10. 排放的废水中残留许多石油产品,矿物油类污染物泄漏排放到自然水体中,将破坏生态环境并严重危害人们的身体健康。

    There is a lot of remained petroleum product in the waste water . It caused the pollution of the environment . The mineral oil is leaked out to the water . It has been seriously affected the health of the human .

  11. 关于油类以外污染物的国际合作条例

    Regulation on International Cooperation concerning Pollutants other than Oil

  12. 第三十条禁止在水体清洗装贮过油类或者有毒污染物的车辆和容器。

    Article 30 It is forbidden to wash and clean in any water body any vehicles or containers which have been used for storing oil or toxic pollutant .