
  1. 油气层伤害评价标准系列的模式

    Standard Series Model for Evaluating Oil and Gas Reservoir Damage

  2. 长期的油田生产实践发现,在油田的整个生产过程中都可能产生油气层伤害。

    In the long-term practice , people find that hydrocarbon reservoir can be damaged in the whole production process .

  3. 造成油气层伤害的原因主要有两个方面:一是油气层本身的特征;二是所实施的各种作业或工艺措施。

    There are two main causes of the damage : firstly , the feature of the hydrocarbon reservoir , secondly , the various operations and technologic measures .

  4. 气体欠平衡钻井技术具有机械钻速高、对油气层伤害小等优点,近年来在国内油气田勘探开发中得到了广泛的应用。

    Gas underbalanced drilling has advantages of high ROP , little damage to the reservoir etc. In recent years , the technology has been widely applied in oil & gas exploration .

  5. 泡沫流体由于密度小且易于控制、静液柱压力低、粘度高、携带能力强、对油气层伤害小等优点,特别适合这些情况下的钻井、完井、修井等作业。

    Foam fluid is suitable for the drilling , well completion and well workover for such oil-field because of its low density , low static fluid column pressure , high viscosity , strong carrying capacity and weak reservoir damage .

  6. 根据油气层的生产特点,研究设计了无污染洗井管柱,既解决了抽油井在生产过程中对敏感性油气层产生的伤害问题,又提高了低产低能抽油井的热洗效果。

    According to the production characteristics of the oil gas-bearing formation , this paper designs and manufactures feasible washing pipe string which is in charge of the post pollution-freely .