
  • 网络fries
  1. 人们对油炸薯条的热爱在英国苏格兰诗人和民族英雄罗伯特·彭斯的薯条画像上得到了极好的体现。

    The Scottish love of deep-fried food is reflected in this portrait of poet and national hero Robert Burns .

  2. 今天的青少年吃的快餐食品和甜食比过去多得多,如汉堡包,比萨饼,油炸薯条,巧克力,虾条,饼干和蛋糕。

    Teenagers today eat loads and loads more fast food and sweet things than in the past : burgers , pizzas , crisps , chocolate , chips , biscuits and cakes .

  3. 你可以看见油炸的薯条和汉宝被置在烧烤架上所发出的声音。

    You can see the french fries sitting in oil and hear the burgers on the grill .

  4. 直到麦当劳餐厅使用新油炸制薯条后很久,该公司才宣布其在全美各地提供的薯条不含反式脂肪。

    The company didn 't announce that its fries nationwide were free of trans fat until well after they already were in restaurants .

  5. 商业烘烤食品,如饼干,蛋糕,还有许多油炸食品如炸薯条和甜甜圈,均含有反式脂肪。

    Commercial baked goods such as crackers , cookies and cakes , along with many fried foods , like french fries and doughnuts contain trans fats .

  6. 还有油炸类零食,比如油炸鸡翅和炸薯条。

    oily deep-fried snacks include deep-fried chicken wing and French fries .