
  • 网络cardin;pierre cardin;cardan
  1. 本届展览跨越巨大时空,看到了不同时装的共性与反差:皮尔•卡丹(PierreCardin)1968年设计的一件3D热成型裙与渡边淳弥(JunyaWatanabe)2015年设计的一件类似风格时装并肩而立;

    The show leaps across decades to find contrasts and commonalities : a Pierre Cardin 3D heat-moulded dress from 1968 next to a similar 2015 work by Junya Watanabe ;

  2. 皮尔•卡丹:时尚风格转变太快。

    Fashion changes too fast these days : Pierre Cardin .

  3. 昨天我参加了皮而·卡丹北京的一场演出。

    Yesterday I did a fashion show for Pierre Cardin here in Beijing .

  4. 这边是钱包展销。全是最新款式,是皮尔•卡丹牌的。

    There 's a new display of wallets , Pierre Cardin , the latest design .

  5. 凯利是个恶名昭彰的伪造者、秘主义者和炼金术士,相当熟悉卡丹格板。

    Kelley was a notorious forger , mystic and alchemist who was familiar with Cardan grilles .

  6. 演出开始在晚7点,有特别多的人前来观看其中也包括皮而·卡丹本人。

    The show then began at7pm , with hundreds of people coming to watch including Pierre Cardin .

  7. 伊萨德拒绝赞同此事,而在接到请求之后,派遣了不是别人、正是其宿敌马卡蒂去消灭卡丹。

    Isard refused to countenance this , and after a request , dispatched none other then his old enemy Makati to eliminate Kadann .

  8. 让我们记住卡丹这个奋斗不息的老人,也希望他的品牌给我们的生活带来更多美的变化。

    We will always remember the tireless Pierre Cardin , and we hope his brand will bring even more beauty and style to our lives .

  9. 在这期间,马卡蒂的死敌卡丹看起来正在做出一个自寻死路的决定:他试图通过预言自己为帝国统治者的方式来攫取权力。

    Around this time , Makati 's old foe Kadann seemingly made a fatal move : he attempted to grab power by prophesying himself ruler of the Empire .

  10. 卡丹:你到底在说什么?这是法皇厅的命令吗?鲁德勒,把这些人带回司令部去。我将不会在宽恕你进一步的犯上。

    Kheagan : What are you talking about ? Is this the order from the Pontiff Court ? Riordan , take these men back to base . I will not tolerate futher insubordination .

  11. 圣洛朗、皮尔.卡丹、D&G、华伦天奴几个品牌的风格分析,从外廓形,色彩图案、细节三方面得出其采用中国传统服饰文化元素的证据。

    Proofs of the influence of Chinese traditional costume culture on European fashion brands in terms of outlines , colors and patterns , as well as particularities via analysis of the styles of brands of Yves Saint Laurent , Pierre Cardin , D & G , Valentino were found .