
  • 网络Cajamarca
  1. 在发送短信后,他开始从一位在秘鲁卡哈马卡(Cajamarca)地区饲养了20多年兔子的女士那里获得解答。

    After sending a text message , he started receiving answers from a woman who had bred rabbits for more than 20 years in Peru 's region of Cajamarca .

  2. 据秘鲁《商报》5月25日报道,秘鲁卡哈马卡省的一位8岁女童阿拉塞莉-迪亚斯患上了罕见的儿童早衰症,其模样看上去像80岁的老奶奶。

    According to el comercio May25 , in Cajamarca , Peru , an8-year-old girl suffers from hutchinson-gilford progeria syndrome ( HGPS ) which makes her look like an80-year-old grandma .