
chénɡ nèi
  • inside the city
  1. 两支海军小分队在过去的36个小时被困在城内。

    Two small Marine units have been trapped inside the city for the last 36 hours .

  2. 在城内有城墙的“麦地那”(地方名),有四分之一是细小的曲径和迂回的街道。

    Inside the city 's medina-its walled , ancient quarter-lies a maze of small , winding streets .

  3. 明天上午获胜队将在城内举行庆祝游行。

    The victorious team will parade through the city tomorrow morning .

  4. 非法饮酒俱乐部继续在城内营业。

    Illegal drinking clubs continue to operate in the city .

  5. 城内停车场虽少,但都设在关键地方。

    The parking areas in the town are few , but strategically placed .

  6. 医生正试图将此病控制在城内。

    Doctors are trying to confine the disease within the city .

  7. 其址在北京城内。

    It is located within the city of beijing .

  8. 日暮归来,城内已万家灯火。

    When we returned at dusk , the lights of the city had come on .

  9. 闪烁的繁星与城内闪耀的万家灯火交相辉映

    A galaxy of twinkling stars matched the thousands of sparkling city lights .

  10. 随着迁往郊外的风行,住在城内的中产家庭减少了。

    The flight to suburbia lessened the number of middle-class families living within the city .

  11. 1.toppriority应予最优先考虑的事政府应该优先重建城内旧中心区。

    The government should give top priority to rebuilding the inner cities .

  12. 镇江城内运河水COD含量的分析

    Determination of content of COD in water samples taken from the canal in Zhenjiang City proper

  13. 在小脑CrⅠCrⅡp区城内,有三叉神经和迷走神经一级传入纤维的会聚区。

    There was a convergence of the trigeminal and vagal primary afferent fibers in the cerebellar crura ⅱ and cerebellar crura ⅰ .

  14. FSA应与外国监管机构合作,确保金融城内所有具有系统重要性的公司都受到有关方面的适当监管。

    It should work with foreign regulators to make sure that every systemically important business in the City is properly regulated by someone .

  15. 该集团最初计划在RiversideSouth建造两座摩天大楼,以取代位于伦敦金融城内的几处地产。新大楼建筑面积约190万平方英尺,为欧洲境内最大的办公场所之一。

    JPMorgan initially planned to replace several properties in the City of London with two towering skyscrapers at Riverside South , constructing one of the largest office sites in Europe with about 1.9m sq ft of floor space .

  16. 根据猎头公司阿姆斯特朗国际(ArmstrongInternational)预测,今年金融城内发放的奖金总额将比去年高出10%到30%。若想得到确切金额,即使并非不可能,也是很难的。

    City bonuses this year will be 10-30 per cent higher than last year , according to Armstrong International , an executive search firm . Getting exact numbers for the amount of money paid out in bonuses is difficult , if not impossible .

  17. 自1986年放松金融监管的金融大改革(BigBangof1986)以来,伦敦金融城重新确立了自身作为国际资本市场两大中心之一的地位,金融城内的高层建筑则成为财富的垂直展现。

    Since the financial deregulation , the Big Bang of 1986 , the City of London re-established itself as one of the twin hubs of the international money markets and its high-rise architecture became a vertical expression of that wealth .

  18. 在投资银行GriffinSecurities任董事总经理的沙利文原来上班只坐一段地铁就到了,去年和妻子一起搬离市区后,他得先坐27分钟的火车然后再坐10至15分钟的地铁才能到达位于城内的公司。

    When he and his wife moved from the city last year , Mr. Griffin swapped a subway ride for a 27-minute train ride , followed by a 10 - to 15-minute subway trip , to his job in the city as a managing director at Griffin Securities , an investment-banking firm .

  19. 最近几年,城内涌现出的大批餐馆与俱乐部让这个城市的转型尘埃落定。引领转变的是飞速发展的红灯区,比如MaxieEisen这样地方,白天是个熟食餐馆,晚上就成了地下酒吧,它展现的性感也并非不登大雅之堂。

    A recent boom of restaurants and clubs , though , makes the case for permanent placement . Leading the city 's transformation is its fast-evolving red light district , where spots like Maxie Eisen , a deli-style cafe by day and a speakeasy-inspired bar by night , offer a sexiness that isn 't unseemly .

  20. 冒烟的矿城内有许多土褐色的房子。

    There are many drab houses in the smoky mining town .

  21. 地震后,城内一片混乱。

    There was chaos everywhere in the town after the earthquake .

  22. 物品送到城外,再用人手抬廷城内。

    Things would be delivered outside and brought in by hand .

  23. 清代天津城内居民购买食盐方式初探

    On the Way Tianjin Residents Bought Salt in the Qing Dynasty

  24. 此刻他们就站在城内的街道中,时间是圣诞节早晨。

    Now they stood in the city streets on Christmas morning .

  25. 她在城内的工作经验的确是一个训练。

    Her work in the inner city was a real education .

  26. 那么君临城内将出现新的紧张局势。

    it could bring some new tensions in King 's Landing .

  27. 从事商业就自然成为蜗居于西安城内的回族的主要经济活动。

    Xian Huis main economic activity is engaging in business .

  28. 人群聚集在城内广场上听总统讲话。

    The crowds congregated in the town square to hear the president .

  29. 距离城内不远处有一座古庙。

    There was an old temple not far away from the city .

  30. 其中的土产要作城内工人的食物。

    Its produce will supply food for the workers of the city .