
  • 网络Urban land use balance;urban landuse balance
  1. 第三章至第五章论述建立区块单元分析的模型的原理和方法,重点展开对原杭州市区范围各个分块的城市用地平衡表数据分析以及相应产生的城市问题解剖和因应措施。

    The third chapter presents the theory and method of " Unit Block Analysis " model .

  2. 城市用地供需平衡分析是城市土地利用规划的一项重要内容。

    To Keep balance of urban land supply and demand is an important content of urban land-use planning .

  3. 用科学发展观指导城市土地整理工作,处理好城市发展与城市用地总量与结构平衡、生态环境保护的关系,统筹人与自然的和谐发展。

    We adopt scientific development concept to guide urban land consolidation , dealing with the relationship between urban development and land use aggregates and structural balance and ecological environment protection , considering harmonious development of man and the nature .