
wū miàn
  • roof covering;roof
屋面 [wū miàn]
  • [roofing] 遮盖在屋顶部分的东西

屋面[wū miàn]
  1. 根据屋面坡度设置了梁柱节点处夹角为100°,从而构成C型冷弯型钢梁柱斜节点的构造形式。

    Based on roofing slope , included angle between beam and column is formed with 100 degree .

  2. 新型卷材APP屋面工程防水施工技术

    Technique of waterproofing work on roof by using new-type roofing app

  3. PVC防水油膏在屋面防水施工中的应用

    The application of PVC waterproofing ointment for roof waterproof construction

  4. SBS改性沥青防水卷材屋面工程的设计与施工

    The design and construction of SBS modified bitumen water-proof rolling material

  5. XPS在倒置式保温屋面中的应用

    The application of XPS in inverted insulating roof

  6. 大庆石油学院体育馆屋面风荷载的风洞试验及CFD数值模拟

    Wind Tunnel Test and CFD Numerical Simulation of Wind-induced Loads on Gymnasium Roof of Daqing Petroleum Institute

  7. 青岛国际帆船中心是2008年奥运会帆船帆板比赛场地之一,其媒体中心钢屋面结构比较特殊,单榀平面结构为圆弧形H型钢梁和圆管柱铰接而成。

    The steel roofing of Qingdao International Sailboat Center for 2008 Olympic Games is shaped as quarter arc , which is made of H-beam and pipe column .

  8. CPS(水泥聚苯)隔热保温复合板在屋面施工中的应用

    The application of roof constructing with CPS heat-proof compound plate

  9. 在本论文中,POD方法将用于分析在大跨屋面和高层建筑物上的风致响应。

    In this paper , the POD technique is applied to analysis of wind-induce response on a large-scale roof and a tall building .

  10. PU硬泡是一种集保温隔热、防水性能于一体的新型屋面材料。

    PU rigid foam is a kind of mew roof material incorporating properties such as thermal protection , heat insulation and water repellency .

  11. RG防水涂料在屋面防水中的应用与探讨

    Application of RG Water-p roofing Coating in House Roofing

  12. 分析渗漏原因,研究处理方案,采用SBS防水卷材热熔法施工,解决了屋面渗漏。

    Having understood the reason for the leaking , the problem was solved by using SBS modified bitumen membrane with torch application .

  13. 进口与国产EPDM生产防水卷材比较屋面卷材防水的改进

    The Comparison Between Imported EPDM and Domestic EPDM to Produce Waterproof Rolling Material Improvement of waterproof roofing with coiled material

  14. 某综合楼GRC屋面裂缝分析与处理

    Analysis on causes and treatment of cracks on GRC roof of one building complex

  15. 运用空间解析几何原理推导出各曲面的数学计算公式,并在此基础上结合3DMAX和AutoCAD等图形软件研究这三种直纹曲面型屋面的三维建模方法。

    Their mathematical formula are calculated by space analytic geometry , and a method to use 3D MAX and AutoCAD to draw their 3D modelings is also introduced .

  16. 初期涌出效应(firstflusheffect)在某些降雨事件中明显,在某些降雨事件中不明显,且屋面径流的初期涌出效应通常发生在占总径流量20%左右的前期径流对应时段中。

    First flush effect is obvious in some rainfall events , while unconspicuous in other rainfall events . First flush effect often occures in the initial stages of runoff which account for twenty percent of total runoff .

  17. UEA膨胀混凝土在屋面工程中的应用实例

    Application of UEA expansive concrete in roofing project

  18. 国家标准《屋面工程技术规范》(GB50207-94)的发布实施已4a多了。

    It has been over 4 years since national standard Technical code for roofing ( GB50207-94 ) was issued . During this period .

  19. 文章介绍了30m大型屋面梁采用无粘结预应力时的施工及检测。

    The paper introduced the construction and check of room beam with 30 metres long when it was used with the way of no-cohere prestress .

  20. 总跨度36m预应力屋面梁事故分析与加固处理

    Analyses of cracks on prestressed concrete roof beams and strengthening measures about 36m of total spans

  21. 实验结果表明,采用比表面积很高的酶促填料处理屋面雨水能够达到处理的要求,它能够有效地控制出水的COD,氨氮值等等的去除效果。

    Experimental results show that the use of high enzymatic than surface roofing material handling stormwater treatment requirements can be met , it can effectively control the water COD , and so the value of ammoniac nitrogen removal effectiveness .

  22. 以山西财政税务专科学校屋面渗漏治理工程为例,从防水层的开裂、起鼓、折皱等方面,介绍了采用SBS防水卷材进行综合治理的施工要点,取得了良好的施工效果。

    Taking the roof leakage control work in Shanxi Finance and Tax College as example in this paper from some aspects the construction of SBS waterproof coiled material is introduced , which acquired good effects in practice .

  23. 本文提出屋面综合换热参数YR及最大允许传热系数K(R.max),从理论上得出了上海气候区住宅建筑屋面保温推荐指标。

    In this paper , a comprehensive heat exchange parameter Y_r and the maximum allowance for heat transfer coefficient of the roof are created for the residential building in the Yangtze river vally , by which the recommended roof thermal insulation of residential buildings for Shanghai climate zone is obtained .

  24. MIC-120金属拱型波纹屋面稳定性的研究

    Research on MIC-120 Metal Arched Ripple Roof

  25. 分别对168例K8和K6型单层球面网壳结构进行了计算,分析了跨度和矢跨比、屋面荷载、支承条件等因素对单层球面网壳结构自振特性的影响,并绘出了基频实用设计图表。

    Calculated eighty four K8 and eighty four K6 pattern single-layer reticulated domes respectively , analyzed the dynamic characteristics in terms of span and height to span 、 load 、 the condition of the support and so on , and draws the first frequency practicality designing chart .

  26. 机场主航站楼屋面采用双曲面空间管桁架结构以及人字型柱支承体系,管桁架截面为倒三角形,连续跨度220m。

    The main building consists mainly of space pipe trusses as the roof structure with a continuous span length of 220m and the 3 pipe shuttle shaped steel latticed columns as support members of the roof structure with a maximum height of 35m .

  27. 屋面防水型隔热板施工技术

    The Construction Technique of the House Faces Waterproof Type Insulation Board

  28. 金属拱型波纹屋面结构承载能力研究综述

    Study on Load Ability of Struction of Metal Arched-Type Ripple Roof

  29. 应用现代科学方法提高屋面工程的防水效应

    Boosting waterproof efficiency in roof construction by the modern scientific method

  30. 排汽屋面实践效果与分析

    An analysis and efficiency on practice of the gas-eliminator roof construction