
  • 网络It never rains but it pours;It never rains but pours;Roofix;perfect storm
  1. 不要等到手无分文的时候再去ATM。“屋漏偏逢连夜雨”,取款机有可能没钱或者暂停使用。

    Don 't wait until you 're out of money to go to an ATM , the machines can run out of money or break down .

  2. 屋漏偏逢连夜雨,即使说欧元区经济还未陷入衰退,那也已有迹象表明它也已经踏上了这条不归路。

    Worse , there are signs that the euro zone 's economy is heading for recession , if it is not there already .