
zhènɡ zhì miàn mào
  • Political outlook;politic countenance
  1. 暂时还看不出政治面貌有可能发生巨变。

    A major change of political climate is not in prospect .

  2. 这将改变马来西亚的政治面貌。

    This would change the face of Malaysian politics .

  3. 这份工作每个人都可争取,不论政治面貌。

    The job is open to everyone , irrespective of political orientation .

  4. 中国员工对生涯发展中政治面貌重要性的感知

    The Perception of the Significance of Political Status in Chinese Employees ' Career Development

  5. 农村的政治面貌、经济发展状况、生活水平都有了显著提高。

    Rural political , economic development and the living standards have been improved greatly .

  6. 工人阶级的任何变化,都会直接改变党的政治面貌。

    Any changes in the working class will directly affect the political feature of the Party .

  7. GB/T4762-1984政治面貌代码

    Codes for political affiliation

  8. 现在我们提出选拔接班人,有个好的条件,就是人们的政治面貌清楚了。

    Today we have a favourable condition for choosing successors , namely , we know where people stand politically .

  9. 中美争夺权力和势力范围之战,将是决定未来一个世纪全球地缘政治面貌的一场大戏。

    The defining geopolitical drama of the next century will be the battle for power and influence between China and America .

  10. 从台灯造型艺术的发展历程中我们可以清晰的感受到不同历史时期的政治面貌、经济科技、文化艺术、宗教信仰和风土人情等。

    We can conclude the political system , economic and technology , culture and art , religion and traditional custom on different time .

  11. 由模型结果得知,影响再就业后收入的因素有:教育程度、政治面貌、技能水平、求职途径。

    It has found that Educational level , Political landscape , Skill level and Ways to find a job impact the re-employment income significantly .

  12. 他们在大囗陆进行了大量投资,或者他们的政治面貌代表了中国国囗会。

    They cherish or attach great importance to investments in the mainland , or their political status of being representatives of the National People 's Congress .

  13. 描述和分析了不同地区、性别、专业、政治面貌、学生干部经历的大学生表现出的集体观差异。

    It tries to study the differences of the undergraduates who have the different sex , majors , political stations , experiences as students leaders and so on .

  14. 发现不同性别,年级,家庭背景,政治面貌,以及不同项群之间的学生在某些价值观纬度和尺度上有显著差异。

    Found that gender , grade , family background , political outlook , as well as some group of students at certain values of the scale there is a significant difference .

  15. 经过十多年的考验,中青年同志的政治面貌,领导和群众基本上都是清楚的。

    After the many tests of the past dozen years the political attitudes of our young and middle-aged comrades are basically clear to both the leadership and the rank and file .

  16. 性别、年级、学科、父母政治面貌和是否学生干部都对大学生的政治信任有显著的影响,而个体的政治面貌对政治信任无显著影响。

    There are significant differences of political trust in gender , grade , subject , parents ' political landscape and student cadre experience , but not in individual political landscape . 3 .

  17. 研究两汉的复仇风俗,对于认识这一时期的政治面貌、学术思想以及整个复仇风俗史都有着重要意义。

    The research on the revenge custom in Han Dynasty is of great significance to the acquaintance of the political status , academic thoughts and the whole revenge custom history in this period .

  18. 通过考察不同性别、年级、家庭背景、政治面貌、项群的体育教育专业大学生在价值观维度和尺度上所表现出来的特点和差异。

    Through the study of gender , grade , family background , political outlook , the group of university students physical education major at the performance measure of value on the characteristics and differences .

  19. 对中国古代公文的研究,学术界关注不够,但作为封建官吏及文人士子安身立命之作,公文又最真实地反映了社会政治面貌。

    The studies of ancient Chinese official documents have not received enough emphasis although the documents , by which the feudal officials and scholars lived , most realistically reflected the political features of the society .

  20. 论文指出作品所产生的社会历史作用:留下了宝贵的社会历史文化资料;详细描述了那个时期的社会政治面貌;使美国人意识到法西斯主义的威胁。

    The publication of the novel also has significant historical and social power : leaving valuable historical and cultural materials ; drawing a social and political picture at that period of time ; keeping Americans alert of fascist dangers .

  21. 与之相对应,社会的政治面貌,青年的政治社会化过程、政治特性及其政治参与模式,也因为网络独特的存在与运行方式而产生革命性变革。

    Accordingly , the revolutionary innovations have taken place in the social political status , the political socialization process , the political feature and the political participation of the youth , for the unique way of network existence and operating .

  22. 受教育水平、技术职称、干部身份、职业和行业对收入的作用不断增强,回报率提升;而年资、政治面貌和单位性质对收入的作用急速下降甚至消失。

    It is also found that the impacts of education , professional rank , cadre status , occupation and industry on earnings increase . Contrarily , the effects of work seniority , party membership and sector rapidly decline and even disappear .

  23. 学历、年级、年龄、性别、家庭所在地、是否独生子女、是否经历至亲去世、是否担任学生干部以及政治面貌等因素对护生生命态度均有影响。

    The influencing factors of nursing students ' attitude toward life include degree , grade , age , gender , home place , only child or not , whether experienced a loved one ' sdeath , whether as a student cadre and political affiliation .

  24. 第二,学历、政治面貌和专业是影响财经类高校大学生就业的三大因素,女大学生要想在劳动力市场上拥有竞争力,。就应该不断提高自己的专业素质和道德修养。

    Second , Education , Political landscape and Professional are the major impact factors to the students of Finance and Economics University . If the female students want to succeed in a competitive labor market , they should constantly improve their professional quality and ethics .

  25. 而在大户型/小户型的分析中,家庭规模、政治面貌、中等教育分层、中等和高等家庭就业分层、中等和高等家庭收入分层都有显著性的正向影响。

    But in terms of big dwelling-size / small dwelling-size , there is significant influence including family scale , the nature of registered permanent residence , marriage status , political identity , average educational delamination and average , advanced employment delamination , average and advanced revenue delamination .

  26. 经多元逐步回归分析,影响护士生活质量的因素有:生活质量自评分、婚姻满意度、政治面貌、经济满意度、生活事件总分、工作满意度、担心下岗;

    Multiple stepwise regression analysis revealed that the major factors affecting quality of life were self-reported score of quality of life , marriage satisfaction degree , political status , economic satisfaction degree , total score of life event , working satisfaction degree , and worry about being laid-off .

  27. 她几乎是一手改变了英国政治的面貌。

    She changed the face of British politics almost single-handed .

  28. 他将美国政治的面貌彻底改变,主张在大众社会里政府有其义务,不但要强国,也需要安民。

    He changed the landscape of American politics , urging that in a mass society government had DUTIES-To strengthen the nation , but to take care of the people , too .

  29. 冷战的结束,两极格局的消失,是20世纪的一次巨变,它不仅改变了当代世界各方面特别是国际政治的面貌,而且也将对人类社会的发展产生深远的影响。

    With the end of the cold war and the bipolarity in the 20th century , there was a big change in the world , especially in the international politics . It will leave a deep mark in the progress of the human society .

  30. 以互联网为代表的技术革命,彻底转变了国际通信、信息流动、金融交易和政治意识的面貌。

    The technological revolution of the Internet has transformed international communications , the flow of information , financial trading and political awareness .