
  • 网络political strategy;corporate political strategy
  1. 一种嵌入式的企业政治战略模型

    A embedding model of corporate political strategy

  2. 北京奥运会奖牌榜的政治战略与国家身份建构

    On Political Strategy and National Identity Establishment of Medal List of Beijing Olympics

  3. 凯特爱德华兹已经在游戏开发业工作了16年,曾经在1992年至2005年担任微软公司(Microsoft)的地缘政治战略分析师。

    Kate Edwards has spent 16 years in the game development industry , serving as Microsoft 's geopolitical strategist from 1992 through 2005 .

  4. 中国的海疆与我国海洋地缘政治战略

    Coastal areas and territorial seas and marine geopolitics strategies of China

  5. 论文分析了美国亚太政治战略调整的意图及其特点。

    The paper analyzes the characteristics and intention of the American Asia-Pacific political strategies .

  6. 军事打击或许已经不可能了,所以,美国现在必须将政治战略置于首位。

    That may not be possible , so a political strategy must now be paramount .

  7. 第四部分归纳了21世纪初俄罗斯地缘政治战略;

    The four - part cent induced 21 centuries early Russian political strategy of district ;

  8. 第一部分对俄传统地缘政治战略进行了回顾;

    The first part is traditionally to Russia the political strategy of district proceeds review ;

  9. 具有讽刺意味的是,党正为其成功的政治战略付出代价。

    Ironically , the party is now paying a price for the success of its political strategy .

  10. 中俄战略关系的内涵变化:从政治战略协作到国家发展战略协调

    On the Connotation Changes in the China-Russia Strategies : From Political Collaborative Strategy to National Development Coordination Strategy

  11. 文中还提出了90年代及21世纪我国海洋地缘政治战略。

    This Paper , too , puts forward marine geopolitical strategies of China in ninety and 21st Century .

  12. 但他刚刚上演了一堂大师级政治战略课,所有的反对党都应从中受到启发。

    But he has just delivered a master class in political strategy that should educate all opposition parties .

  13. 我们必须断定,加沙的人道主义悲剧正是以色列政治战略的反映。

    The humanitarian tragedy in Gaza , we must conclude , is mirrored by a political tragedy in Israel .

  14. 关系型企业政治战略是HillmanandHitt(1999)定义的两种企业政治战略基本方法之一。

    Relational approach is one of the general corporate political strategies defined by Hillman and Hitt ( 1999 ) .

  15. 本研究创新性地基于资源基础观和制度基础观整合的视角构建多维度的政治战略概念。

    This study builds the multi-dimensional political strategy concept based on the integrative visual angle of Resource-based View and Institution-based View .

  16. 蒙古必须至少理顺4件事:治理、资产、经济管理和地缘政治战略。

    There are at least four things Mongolia must get right : governance , equity , economic management and geopolitical strategy .

  17. 几个世纪以来,孙子兵法在中国和日本军事及政治战略中得到最高的尊重。

    For centuries The Art of War was held in the highest regard among both Chinese and Japanese military and political strategists .

  18. 今天,我国已经意识到了除政治战略、经济战略和军事战略外,尤为要紧的是文化战略。

    Today , we have realized that culture strategy is also most important besides politics strategy , economy strategy and military strategy .

  19. 奥巴马政府现在希望改变方向,少谈兵力,多谈结束战争的政治战略。

    The administration now wants to change direction and talk less about troops and more about a political strategy to end the war .

  20. 对于日本而言,无论是实现政治战略,还是维护经济利益,完善对非政策已迫在眉睫。

    On account of both its strategic realities and its economic interests , it is imperative for Japan to adjust its African policies .

  21. 第二部分分别论述了1949&1954年美国和越南的地缘政治战略。

    In Part Two , the paper expounds the geopolitics strategies respectively adopted by the United States and Vietnam in the 1949-1954 period .

  22. 该研究结论在一定程度上支持了资源基础观的理论,即企业政治战略的应用是与企业资源基础相适应的。

    This conclusion to some extent supports theories of resource-based view , namely , the application of political strategy is responsive to resource foundation .

  23. 这将会是严酷的,但是本届政府和上届并无多大区别,除了他们加倍致力于了党派的政治战略。

    That is harsh , but the chancellor does share something with his predecessor but one : he doubles as his party 's political strategist .

  24. 政治战略没能解决问题并促成复苏,而是等待着复苏出现,以此来解决问题。

    Instead of solving the problems to generate a recovery , the political strategies have consisted of waiting for a recovery to solve the problem .

  25. 第二部分,通过分析中亚国家的地缘政治战略,阐明了中亚地区国家在对外战略上保持与大国关系均衡的战略原则和推进中亚地区成员国一体化的战略取向。

    This part expounds the diplomatic strategies of Central Asian states , which keep balanced relations among major powers and actively promote regional integration level .

  26. 不过,它主要还是通过不断的摸索,发展起一项配套、相当完备的政治战略,来加强自己的权力基础。

    However , largely through trial and error , the party has also developed a complementary and quite sophisticated political strategy to strengthen its power base .

  27. 北极航线拥有其不可替代的政治战略地位,与全球各国的经济利益直接相关。

    The arctic route has its irreplaceable political strategic position , and it directly related to the economic interests of the countries all around the world .

  28. 国际战略规划是实现国际战略目标的行动方案,它划分为国际政治战略规划、国际经济战略规划和国际文化战略规划。

    It can be divided into the plan for international political strategy , the plan for international economic strategy , and the plan for international cultural strategy .

  29. 第二,干预必须始终服务于政治战略,并考虑到以下事实:即所谓对外政策就是其它国家的内政。

    Second , intervention must always serve a political strategy and take account of the fact that foreign policy is all about the domestic politics of others .

  30. 因此,联合政府政纲所倚靠的经济基石显然已经不稳固了而它作为联合政府的政治战略,也经历了自该政府上台以来情况最糟的一个月。

    So the economic rock on which the coalition built its fortress looks distinctly shaky and this as its political strategy has suffered its worst month since taking office .