
  • 网络Tarsus
  1. 是塔尔苏斯的保罗编辑了新圣约吗?

    Did Paul of Tarsus put the new testament together ?

  2. 塔尔苏斯的保罗属于什么哲学学派或者神秘组织吗?

    Did Paul of Tarsus belong to any philosophical school or mystical group ?

  3. 大家都知道,圣保禄出生于塔尔苏斯的一个犹太移民家庭,其教育深深受到希伯来和希腊文化及语言薰陶,正正就是罗马帝国的主流文化。

    As we all know , St Paul was born into a family of Jewish immigrants in Tarsus , Paul was educated in the Hebrew and Hellenistic cultures and languages , making the most of the Roman cultural context .