• Buddhist pagoda;pagoda;tower

  • 见 "圪塔"
  • 佛教特有的高耸的建筑物,尖顶,多层,常有七级、九级、十三级等,形状有圆形的、多角形的,一般用以藏舍利、经卷等:宝~。佛~。

  • 像塔形的建筑物或器物:水~。灯~。纪念~。金字~。~楼。

  • 姓。


(佛教的建筑物) Buddhist pagoda; pagoda:

  • 宝塔



(塔形的建筑物) tower:

  • 瞭望塔

    observation tower;

  • 灯塔

    lighthouse; beacon;

  • 金字塔


  • 水塔

    water tower


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 塔坚

    Ta Jian

  1. 塔位于山的南坡。

    The pagoda is located on the southern slope of the mountain .

  2. 上面儿就是琉璃塔了。

    Further up is the glazed-tile pagoda .

  3. 从塔上可看到壮丽的布拉格全景。

    The tower offers a breathtaking panorama of Prague .

  4. 那座塔越来越斜,很危险。

    The tower is leaning dangerously .

  5. 那座塔,顺便提一下,可以追溯到12世纪。

    The tower , incidentally , dates from the twelfth century .

  6. 军队仍然控制着电视和广播发射塔。

    Troops are still in control of the television and radio tower .

  7. 齐塔自己就不守传统,在一只耳垂上穿了一根别针。

    Zita was herself unconventional , keeping a safety-pin stuck through her ear lobe .

  8. 飞行员报告机场控制塔他遇到了技术问题。

    The pilot told the control tower that he 'd run into technical trouble .

  9. 输电塔爆炸以后,首都大片地区陷入一片漆黑。

    Large parts of the capital were blacked out after electricity pylons were blown up .

  10. 一个高20英尺的钢质角锥体将被吊起,安装在塔的顶部。

    A twenty-foot steel pyramid is to be hoisted into position on top of the tower

  11. 周六的塔拉萨充满着紧张兴奋的气氛,德国队在此赢得了金牌。

    There were thrills in plenty on Saturday at Terrassa , where Germany won the gold medal

  12. 每个角落都有一座警戒塔,每座警戒塔正好10米高。

    Each corner had a guard tower , each of which was exactly ten meters in height

  13. 这座塔是那些灰暗岁月的遗迹,那时大房子不得不被加固,以抵御侵略者。

    The tower is a relic of grim days when big houses had to be fortified against invaders

  14. 那座塔的顶部矗立着一尊巨型雕像,与整个建筑完全不成比例。

    The tower was surmounted by an enormous statue , utterly out of scale with the building .

  15. 这处庙宇最引人注目的是一座为纪念佛陀而修建的宏伟的大理石塔。

    The object of great interest at the Temple was a large marble tower built in memory of Buddha

  16. 飞机在机场上空盘旋,等待指挥塔的指令。

    The plane circled the airport , waiting for the order from the control tower .

  17. 塔的影子倒映在水中。

    One can see the reflection of the tower in the water .

  18. 这座塔倒塌了,成为一堆废墟。

    The tower collapsed in a heap of ruin .

  19. 电视塔是这座城市的亮点。

    The TV Tower is a bright spot in the city .

  20. 从这座塔望得见美丽的海景。

    The tower has a pleasant outlook on the sea .

  21. 湖光塔影,相映成趣。

    The shimmering lake and the pagoda 's reflection present a lovely scene .

  22. 他们建塔纪念胜利。

    They built a tower to commemorate their victory .

  23. 新的电视塔动工了。

    Construction of the new television tower has started .

  24. 她从塔上俯视茫茫大地。

    She overlooked the vast expanse from the tower .

  25. 这座塔岌岌直至云端,根本就看不到塔顶。

    This tower is so tall that it reaches the clouds , and its top cannot be seen at all .

  26. 塔吉特遭到了受到黑客攻击的消费者的集体诉讼。

    Target has been hit with class actions from hacked consumers .

  27. (此前,塔吉特推行芯片密码卡的努力并未取得进展。)

    ( An earlier effort by Target to move to chip and PIN never gained progress . )

  28. 到目前为止,信用卡发行商已经计算出,即使是承担塔吉特遭受的这种大型黑客攻击,也比更换所有的塑料卡要便宜。

    Card issuers have so far calculated that absorbing the liability for even big hacks like the Target one is still cheaper than replacing all that plastic .

  29. 看看梅西百货、诺德斯特罗姆和塔吉特这些大型零售商的财报,就像参观重症监护室一样惊心动魄。

    Reading the earnings announcements of large retail stores like Macy 's , Nordstrom , and Target is about as uplifting as a tour of an intensive care unit .

  30. 在大型传统零售商中,沃尔玛最近公布了最佳业绩,致其股价飙升,而梅西百货、塔吉特百货和诺德斯特龙的股价下跌。

    Among large traditional retailers , Walmart recently reported the best results , leading its stock price to surge , while Macy 's , Target , and Nordstrom 's dropped .