
lǐng zhāng
  • collar badge;collar insignia;collar flash
领章 [lǐng zhāng]
  • [collar badge; collar insignia] 佩戴于制服领上的徽章,以区别军种和官阶

领章[lǐng zhāng]
  1. 街灯照在他那领章的铜号码上。

    The street light shone on the met'snumarer on his collar .

  2. 这是我从他们领章上的红白条纹看出来的。

    I identify them by their red and white striped collar mark .

  3. 不管你领章上面有多少条杠。

    It doesn 't matter how many barsyou got on your collar .

  4. 捐献年度计划基金达7000美元之捐献者,若提出要求,将可获得镶有红宝石1颗之保罗?理斯之友领章1枚。

    Contributions to the Annual Programs Fund totaling $ 7000 will entitle the donor to receive , upon request , a Paul Harris Fellow pin with one ruby .

  5. 他虽然除了主席以外还是红军的一个指挥员,他所佩的领章,也不过是普通战士所佩的两条红领章。

    Although he was a Red Army commander as well as chairman , he wore on his coat collar only the two red bars that are the insignia of the ordinary Red Soldier .