- 网络neck dart
Mark around the block outline , pivoting the neck dart and waist dart into the new position .
In figure 14-25 the objective is to transfer the neck dart into the waist dart . Figure 14-26 shows the shoulder dart pivoted to its new site . The company is trying to dispel rumours about a take-over .
Close up the unwanted neck dart and waist dart .
Stitch underarm , shoulder , and neckline darts from the outer edge of the fabric to the vanishing point .
It is essential to identify the pattern outline that will be unaffected by the manipulation when the neck dart is transferred to its new site at underarm , so when you have identified the unaffected outline MARK IT IN .
This paper gives a preliminary analysis into the structure designs of the basic types of perpendicular collars and their main points , analyzes further into the type changes of perpendicular collars and omitted parts and probes into the changing principles of their structure designs .