
  1. 多期次,不同类型的矿化活动叠加构成北衙金多金属矿床。

    The superimposition of multi-stage and the different type mineralization activity resulted in the polymetallic ore deposit .

  2. 北衙碱性斑岩型金矿床为“三江”地区金沙江&哀牢山喜山期富碱斑岩带中的重要金多金属矿床。

    Beiya alkali porphyry Gold deposit is an important Gold poly metal deposit of the Jinshajiang-ailaoshan alkali porphyry zone in Sanjiang area .

  3. 与富碱斑岩有关的金矿床是云南省新发现的金矿类型,典型矿床有北衙、马厂箐金矿等。

    The gold deposits related to the alkali rich porphyry is a new discovered type of the gold deposits in western Yunnan .

  4. 唐代前期是北衙军力的初步形成阶段,北衙是在南衙的母体内孕育和发展起来的。

    The imperial forces at the Beiya , which took an initial shape in the Pre Tang times , were generated and developed inside those at the Nanya .