
gē lín
  • Goering;gorlin
戈林[gē lín]
  1. 她还为2014年的赛马季设计了五顶女帽,它们的设计灵感就源自伦敦戈林酒店(GoringHotel)的室内装修。

    She has also designed a collection of five hats for the 2014 racing season that were inspired by the interior of London 's Goring Hotel .

  2. 戈林酒店(GoringHotel)是伦敦所剩无几的一个家族酒店。在其他午餐客人的注目下,我们摆好姿势照相。

    As other luncheon guests at the Goring Hotel , one of the last family-owned hotels in London , look on , we pose for a photograph .

  3. 该公司的业务总监保尔&12539;戈林(PaulGoring)解释说,对于那些不反对用靴子搭配正装的绅士而言,该公司有一些靴款可以抵御恶劣天气,而且制作精良,足以适合正式场合。

    For the gentleman who 's not averse to boots with a suit , Lobb 's director of operations , Paul Goring , explained that the company makes versions that are weather-resistant yet refined enough for a formal setting .

  4. 戈林正设法同盟国拍板成交。

    Goering was hoping to strike a bargain with the Allies .

  5. “不可能,我已经预订了。”戈林回击道。

    " Impossible . I have it reserved ," Goering shot back .

  6. 戈林的电报已经被鲍曼扣压了。

    Goering 's telegram had been held up by Bormann .

  7. 很清楚,戈培尔已经把戈林一笔勾销。

    It was clear that geobbels had written Goering off .

  8. 我要戈林的师回来。

    And I want the Hermann Goering division back .

  9. 我并不打算公开贬低戈林。

    I did not try to humble Goering publicly .

  10. “戈林部长先生,你害怕这些问题吧?”

    " Are you afraid of these questions , Herr minister President goring ?"

  11. 他对他消除了和戈林之间的一切个人芥蒂感到高兴。

    He was glad to be relieved of all personal difficulties with Goering .

  12. 戈林要接手至少还请求元首许可。

    Goering at least had asked the Leader 's permission to take over .

  13. 戈林将军的发言持续了大约两个小时。

    General goring spoke for about two hours .

  14. 戈林之所以变卦,是因为秘密警察已经掌握了他吸吗啡上瘾的证据。

    Goering had switched sides because the Gestapo had proof of his drug addiction .

  15. 戈林和希姆莱试图取而代之。

    Goering and Himmler try to take over .

  16. 这一回戈林不再虚与委蛇地回避问题。

    This time Goering did not try to dodge the issue by pretending cordiality .

  17. 戈林将军穿的是目前最显赫的纳粹党人穿的褐色便制服。

    He was in the plain brown uniform which most prominent Nazis now wear .

  18. 这种事情,戈林在行得多了。

    Goering ismuch better at those things .

  19. 希特勒:因为赫尔曼。戈林已经背叛了我和祖国。

    Hitler : because hermamn Goering has betrayed and deserted both me and his fatherland .

  20. 我知道戈林是个懒蛋。

    I know that Goering is lazy .

  21. 元首任命你为继承人,以代替前帝国元帅戈林。

    In place of the former Reich Marshal Goering the Fuehrer appoints you as his successor .

  22. 戈林最后说:我深信,有一伙人放火烧了国会大厦。

    I am convinced ," concluded Goring ," that a number of people fired the Reichstag .

  23. 中午时分他到了上萨尔茨堡,把这个消息告诉了戈林。

    At noon he arrived on the Obersalzberg and delivered his news to the Reich marshal .

  24. 戈林没大没小,经常想坐在摇动木马上理发,这让纳粹统帅部觉得面上无光,却拿他没办法。

    Goering was a dissolute and often wanted to sit on the hobbyhorse to get his haircuts .

  25. 一直到八月底,戈林都未对空战抱悲观的看法。

    Up till the end of August , Goering did not take an unfavourable view of the air conflict .

  26. 戈林在处刑前即自杀身亡,博尔曼则被缺席审判

    " Hermann Goering committed suicide before he could be executed , and Martin Bormann was convicted in absentia "

  27. 希特勒在鲍曼的怂恿下口授了一份电报,通知戈林,说他犯了叛国罪。

    Hitler , prompted by Bormann , dictated a telegram informing Goering that he had committed " high treason " .

  28. 空军也打得很勇敢,只有戈林应对空军丧失战争初期的优势负责。

    The Luftwaffe had fought bravely and only Goering was responsible for its losing its initial supremacy in the war .

  29. 戈林说得恰到好处,他没法以恭维的方式表达了他的异议。

    Goering had said exactly the right thing , managing to voice his disagreement in the form of a compliment .

  30. 经过双方微妙的谈判,我们选定在伦敦维多利亚附近的戈林酒店午餐。

    We settled on the goring Hotel , near Victoria , as the location for our lunch after delicate negotiations .