
  1. 极目北望,映入眼帘的是有着400年历史的冈提坚帕寺庙(GangteyGoenpaMonastery),它矗立于高高的山脊上,俯控了整座山谷。

    To the north , the 400-year-old Gangtey Goenpa monastery stands on a ridge , dominating the valley .

  2. 从南边往北望,机井洞村是唯一一个能看得见的朝鲜村庄。

    Kjong-Dong is the only village in North Korea visible from the south .

  3. 这幅画描绘的是从里亚托桥向北望的威尼斯大运河。

    The painting depicts the Grand Canal , Venice , looking north from the Rialto Bridge .

  4. 广东北望绿色韶关&广东省韶关市市长徐建华就建设绿色韶关答本刊记者问粤北小皮伞属的种类记述

    View North Guangdong , green Shaoguan notes on species of Marasmius from North Guangdong Province of China

  5. 和静县内北望十一月的天山,这是一个地形的未知;

    Watching to the Tian Mountain on November at Hejing County was a geographical mystery and unknown to me ;

  6. 威尔士这个东临英格兰,北望爱尔兰海的古老民族,在两千多年曲折的历史发展中创造出了自己独特而灿烂的语言与文化。

    Wales , bordering England on the east and facing the Irish Sea on the north , is a nation with a history of well over two thousand years , during which time it has created its own unique and brilliant culture as well as language .