
běi biān
  • north;the north part of the country
北边 [běi biān]
  • (1) [north]∶见北 1

  • (2) [the north part of the country]∶北部地区,在中国指黄河流域及其以北的地区

北边[běi biān]
  1. 就在一个重要的灌溉系统的北边,这些河流交汇在一起。

    The rivers merge just north of a vital irrigation system

  2. 船在岛的北边遇到了狂飑。

    The boat was hit by a squall north of the island .

  3. 北边是班亚斯德桑隆温泉。

    To the north are the hot springs of Banyas de Sant Loan .

  4. 沙布利葡萄园在勃艮第的最北边。

    The Chablis vineyard is the northernmost in Burgundy .

  5. 北边是索尔韦平原平坦而肥沃的农田。

    To the north lie the flat and fertile farmlands of the Solway plain

  6. 在居住区后面,北边和西边陡然高耸着砂岩悬崖。

    Behind the habitations , the sandstone cliffs rose abruptly to the north and west .

  7. B它在市中心的北边。它是一个整个翻新的地方,为奥运准备的。

    It 's north of the city centre . It 's a whole new area , specially for the Olympics .

  8. Onthesouth的意思是“在南边”、“与南边接近”。例:玻利维亚的北边和东边与巴西接壤,南边与阿根廷和巴拉圭接壤,西边与秘鲁和智利接壤。

    Bolivia is bounded on the north and east by Brazil , on the south by Argentina and Paraguay , and on the west by Peru and Chile .

  9. n.赤道美国在赤道的北边。vi.存在;

    equator The United States is north of the equator .

  10. 油躲地球化学研究表明,南翼山油田N2~2的油气来自于北边的小梁山凹陷,与油源对比的结果一致;

    Reservoir geochemical research shows that the hydrocarbon of N_2 ~ 2 in the Nanyishan oilfield originate from the Xiaoliangshan depression , which meets the result of the oil-source correlation ;

  11. 而盆地的北边变为N43°E;

    However , in the north of the basin the stress axis changes to N43 ° E ;

  12. 之后他们在巴黎北边的RuedeMeaux弃车而逃,劫持了第二辆车。

    They later abandoned the car in Rue de Meaux , northern Paris , where they hijacked a second car .

  13. 奎恩说房子最火的地方是亚特兰大北边的巴克海特(buckhead)、gardenhills以及邓伍迪(dunwoody),那儿的好学校云集。

    Quinn says the highest demand is in Buckhead , Garden Hills and Dunwoody in the north , where there are good schools .

  14. 这个Tiwanaku帝国,曾经从现在北边Chile到南边的Peru(看一下美国南部的地图)。

    The empire of the Tiwanaku once ranged from what is now northern Chile to southern Peru . ( See a map of South America . ) Between roughly A.

  15. 最极端的行为是在西岸的北边贝都因镇的图巴(Tuba),犹太宗教人士最近烧毁了一座清真寺。

    To cap it all , religious Jews recently torched a mosque in Tuba , a Bedouin town in the north of the West Bank .

  16. 今年夏初,在布鲁克林的北边艺术节(NorthsideFestival)上,我询问他关于3D打印器官的问题,他回答说,直到自动驾驶汽车上市,3D打印人体器官才会成为现实。

    When I asked him about 3D-printed organs earlier this summer at the Northside Festival , a conference in Brooklyn , he told me that 3D-printed body parts won 't become a reality until autonomous vehicles arrive to market .

  17. 它西面与土耳其接壤,北边与乔治亚州相临,东面靠阿塞拜疆,南边则靠伊朗(波斯)和阿塞拜疆的纳希契凡(Nakhichevan)领土。

    It is bordered by Turkey to the west , Georgia to the north , Azerbaijan to the east and Iran ( Persia ), and the Nakhichevan exclave of Azerbaijan to the south .

  18. 我们就在邮政总局的北边。

    We 're located just north of the main post office .

  19. 那里有我们这派往北边间谍的情报。

    And there was information on our spies to the north .

  20. 今天我们去岛北边看看。

    Today we 'll go look around the north of island .

  21. 一对夫妇去北边的一个旅游胜地度假。

    A couple went on vacation to a resort up north .

  22. 你能去北边的购物商场接麦克吗?

    Can you pick up Mike at the mall on north ?

  23. 从北边的房间出去,到山洞中杀龙,得炎之剑。

    Go N to kill the dragon and get the blade .

  24. 好,结论是,爱丁堡在牛津北边。

    Good and the conclusion : Edinburgh is north of oxford .

  25. 还有第七组到北边,好包围他。

    And seven on the north side to box him in .

  26. 奥运场馆在城市的北边。

    The Olympic stadium is in the north of the city .

  27. 在北边,窗户很小。

    On the north side , the windows are small .

  28. 一起规模六点零的地震在今早袭击了北边沿岸的某座城市。

    A6.0-magnitude earthquake struck a city on the northern coast this morning .

  29. 现在一到北边儿,事情反而好办了。

    And everything is getting better , here , in the North .

  30. 我开车从北边去一间小屋的路上。

    I was driving up to this cabin up north .