
jiǔ quán
  • grave;the nether world
九泉 [jiǔ quán]
  • [grave] 比喻地下最深处;黄泉

  • 冥冥九泉室,漫漫长夜台。--阮瑀《七哀》

  • 居九泉之下。--清. 林觉民《与妻书》

九泉[jiǔ quán]
  1. 悲痛欲绝的亲人让亡者安眠于九泉。

    The sorrowing relatives left the dead in peace .

  2. 我们这一对不孝的儿子又要如何面对九泉下的母亲?!

    These two unfilial sons how to face the mother who already passed away ?

  3. 老乔里恩的正义感好象从九泉下升了起来。

    Old jolyon 's sense of justice had risen , as it were , from bed .

  4. 位于中国北部戈壁沙漠的九泉卫星发射中心的指挥官宣布了发射。

    The controller at the Jiuquan satellite launch center in northern China 's Gobi desert announced the lift-off .

  5. 我们听到这个好消息简直太激动了,载着38岁宇航员杨利伟的神州五号载人航天飞机于上午九点钟在甘肃九泉卫星发射中心发射成功。

    We were very excited to hear that the Shenzhou-V carrying the38-year-old astronaut Yang , lifted off on Wednesday at9:00 a.m.at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre , Gansu Province .