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  • 网络Beijing Tiantan;temple of heaven;The Temple of Heaven in Beijing
  1. 他和在当地市场卖东西的人讨价还价,和出租车司机开玩笑,用他的相机捕获北京天坛的美景。

    He haggles with people selling things at local markets , jokes with taxi drivers and captures the beauty of Beijing 's Temple of Heaven with his camera .

  2. 这个建筑位于石家庄市北部,一半形似北京天坛,而另一半却形似美国国会大厦的白色外墙圆形建筑。

    Half of the structure , located in the northern city of Shijiazhuang , is a copy of Beijing 's Temple of Heaven , but the other half is the whitewashed rotunda of the US Capitol building .

  3. 场所的解读&明清北京天坛的文化象征意义

    Unscramble the Location & Symbol Meaning of the Heaven Temple

  4. 单位:北京天坛医院神经外科。

    SETTING : Department of Neurosurgery of Beijing Tiantan Hospital .

  5. 北京天坛公园土壤研究&Ⅰ、土壤物理性状的变化规律

    SOIL RESEARCH OF BEIJING TIAN TAN PARK ⅰ . Variation Regularities of Soil physical Regime

  6. 方法收集首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经内科2003年全年收治入院的111例桥脑梗死患者的病历。

    Methods 111 patients with pons infarction who were admitted in 2003 were enrolled in this study .

  7. 方法回顾分析北京天坛医院神经外科小儿组1997年5月至2001年5月经前额纵裂入路切除鞍区肿瘤100例。

    Methods 100 cases of anterior interhemispheric approach surgery for pediatric sellar region tumors from May , 1997 to May , 2001 were analyzed retrospectively .

  8. 通过总结分析北京天坛社区恶性肿瘤死亡率的变化趋势,为恶性肿瘤的社区防治工作提供指导依据。

    By summarize and analyze the changes and trends in malignant tumor death rates so as to lay foundations for malignant tumor protection in the community .

  9. 北京天坛、福建土楼和山西平遥古城均上榜。该榜单是在由北京第二外国语大学主办的第三届智慧旅游与营销年会上公布的。

    Beijing 's Temple of Heaven , Fujian 's earthen buildings and Shanxi 's ancient city of Pingyao made the list . The list was presented at the third annual Meeting of Smart Tourism and Marketing hosted by the university .

  10. 本文对北京前门、天坛、定陵地区大气中的有机污染物进行了分析。

    Research on the organic trace pollutant in the atmosphere in Beijing Qianmen , Tiantan , Dingling district indicates a critical condition of organic matter pollution .

  11. 位于北京城东南的天坛是古代皇帝祭天之处。

    Located in southeast Beijing , the Temple of Heaven was Built for the emperors in ancient China to worship Heaven .

  12. 上万株苍松翠柏,使位于北京市中心古老的天坛公园成为城区内最大的“肺”。

    Thousands of pine trees in the Temple of Heaven , an ancient architecture in central Beijing as shown in the picture , become the largest " lung " in the city proper .

  13. 在2008名来宾和4亿观众的关注下,北京奥组委在天坛的祈年殿通过电视直播向世界展示了会徽,天坛公园是北京历史最悠久的旅游景点之一。

    The new emblem was unveiled in the presence of 2008 VIPs and to an audience of 400 million TV viewers at a live gala show that the BOCOG staged in the Temple of Heaven , one of Beijing 's greatest tourist attractions .