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  1. 我祝福你杯中酒常满,灯里油常续。

    I bless thy lamp to oil , thy cup to wine .

  2. 街道上和商店里都挂满了灯。

    There are lights in the streets and shops .

  3. 到底是谁建议砍掉一棵参天巨树,然后把它拖进房子,挂满节日灯,并在树顶插上一个精灵模型,又任由它的针叶掉满地上而不管?

    The tree So who DID suggest cutting down a huge piece of shrubbery , dragging it into the house , covering it with lights , then sticking a model fairy on top ? Then leaving it there until it drops needles all over the floor .

  4. 台架上满是摄影灯。

    The gantry was crammed with photographic lights .