
  • 网络Manchu Culture;ManchuCulture
  1. 满族文化研究百年(上)

    Studies on Manchu Culture for a Hundred Years ( 1st )

  2. 探寻满族文化发展的轨迹

    A Probe to the Trace of Cultural Development of Manchu

  3. 黑龙江省满族文化旅游开发探析

    The Traveling Development Fundamental Research of Manchu Culture in Heilongjiang

  4. 其实满族文化的深层底蕴正是中国传统文明的一部分。

    In fact , the Manchu culture deep inside information is the Chinese traditional civilization .

  5. 满族文化和金源文化之间存在着必然的关联。

    There is inevitable connection between the Manchu culture and the source of Jin culture .

  6. 但是,《儿女英雄传》的满族文化整体研究基本上还是一个空白。满族文化史的研究,是对满族文化遗存从点到面、聚点成面的系统研究。

    But the study of the Manchurian culture of the works is the blank on the whole .

  7. 追溯满族文化的发展需要从起源开始。

    To cast back the cultural development of Manchu need to start from Manchu ' sorigin on two aspects .

  8. 本人对于满族文化的研究有较系统的田野调查报告。

    My research about the Manchu minority culture is based on the report of the more systematic field work report .

  9. 揭示了辽宁文化研究产生的原因及其时代意义,并特别阐述了辽宁文化研究中满族文化的民族特色。

    Announces the origin of Liaoning cultural research and the contemporary meanings of it . The national characters of Manchu 's culture are expounded .

  10. 宁古塔文化的内涵既独特又丰富,它主要是由满族文化、山林文化、戍边文化和流人文化等成分所构成。

    With unique and rich contents , it consists mainly of Manchu culture , mountain-forest culture , culture of garrisoning frontiers , and culture of exiles , etc.

  11. 这些伦理思想和道德观念既是满族文化和人民生活中的宝贵精神财富,在其传统文化和社会生活习俗中有着重要地位并发挥着重要作用,也是中华民族伦理思想中不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    It plays the key role in Man nationality 's traditional culture and social life and customs , forming an indispensable part of the Chinese ethic concept system .

  12. 清代的中国文化具有多元文化的性质,它既是以汉族文化为主体的文化,同时又是以满族文化为重要导向的文化。

    Chinese culture in the Qing Dynasty has multi-cultural nature . It takes Han culture as the main body , as well as takes Manchu culture as the important guidance .

  13. 归纳起来共分为四个方面:满汉民族接触,满族文化变迁,满族人口变迁及满族主体的语言态度转变。

    There could be divided into four aspects : contact between Manchu people and Chinese , transition of Manchu culture , transition of Manchu population and the language attitude change of Manchu .

  14. 黑河地区曾是黑龙江省乃至全国满语使用较好的地区之一,也是研究满语、满族文化的重要基地。

    Heihe had been a place where Manchu was spoken well as an intercommunicative language , and thus it has been considered as an important base for Manchu language and culture study .

  15. 如何挖掘满族文化的教学资源,将满语文引入清史教学,是当今值得引起史学工作者思考和重视的问题。

    How to tap Manchu culture teaching resources and introduce the Manchu language and scripts into the teaching of the history of the Qing Dynasty is an issue worth reflection and consideration for historiographers .

  16. 同时,本文还论述了老舍作品对中国文学及文化的传承,包括满族文化、北京地区的民俗文化、中国古典文学及俗文学在老舍作品中的渗透及老舍作品对北京方言的运用。

    The thesis also studies Lao She 's inheritance of Chinese culture and literature including Manchu culture , the customs of Beijing city , Chinese classic literature and popular literature as well as Beijing Dialect .

  17. 小说《正红旗下》从八旗制度、宗教祭祀、规矩礼节、饮食习俗和娱乐消遣等几个方面体现了满族文化特色。

    From several aspects , such as Eight Banner hierarchy , religious ceremony , etiquette , dietary customs , entertainment and etc , the fiction , Beneath the Red Banner , depicts the characteristics of the Manchu culture .

  18. 皇太极所做的文化贡献完成了将满族文化纳入中国传统文化体系的历史任务,并保存了满族文化鲜明的民族特色。

    Changing the title of the dynasty into Qing . His contribution in culture accomplished the historical mission of putting the Manchu culture into the system of the traditional Chinese culture and preserving the brilliant national characteristics of the Manchu culture .

  19. 分析了三个方面,从书中宗教文化、服饰文化、饮食文化入手,发现其中符合满族文化习俗的来研究,进而探究《红楼梦》。

    Has analyzed several aspects , from the book the religious culture , the clothing culture , the diet culture obtains , to discover conforms to the Manchu nationality culture custom to study , then inquires into The Story of the Stone .

  20. 明季清初是满族文化的一个重要转型期,伴随清王朝在全中国统治地位的确立,满族文化在社会生活中的地位也发生了变化。

    The years from late Ming to early Qing Dynasty was an important Transforming period of Manchu culture . As the establishment of controlling role of Qing Reign in the whole China , the position of Manchu culture in the society had changed .

  21. 本文主要探讨了满族文化旅游开发的意义,分析了黑龙江省在满族文化旅游开发过程中的现实状况与存在的问题,并尝试构建黑龙江省满族文化旅游开发的模式。

    This article mainly discusses the significance of developing Manchu culture traveling and analyzes the present conditions and problems during the development of Manchu culture in Heilongjiang Province . Finally , the author attempts to construct the traveling development model for the Heilongjiang Province 's Manchu culture .

  22. 清初,前几朝皇帝对传教士的态度有所不同,但在不同层面认同和接纳了以科学技术知识为主的西方文化,使满族文化在接受汉文化的同时,注入了西方文化。

    In early Qing Dynasty , although several prime emperors had different attitude to preachers , they all in various levels acknowledged and accepted west culture mainly including science and technology , which made Manchu culture taking into Chinese culture as well as getting poured into west culture .

  23. 清代满族家庭文化教育浅说

    Elementary Introduction about Family Culture Education of Manchu in Qing Dynasty

  24. 神歌是满族萨满文化研究的对象。

    The Spiritual Songs are the objects of studying Manchuria Shaman Culture .

  25. 在满族医药文化中,确实有独具民族传统和特色的治疗方法。

    Manchu culture , there are many characteristic treating methods .

  26. 满族医药文化遗产的抢救与开发

    Saving and Exploiting the Medicine Culture Heritage of Manchu Nationality

  27. 论满族萨满文化中柳崇拜的形成

    On the Formation of Willow Worship in Saman Culture of the Manchu Nationality

  28. 满族饮食文化初探

    Visit Manchu 's Diet Culture for the First Time

  29. 清代玉器的某些特殊造型鲜明的体现了满族的文化特征。

    Some special models of the Qing jadearticles clearly display the Manchu cultural features .

  30. 满族语言文化教学方略

    Teaching Strategies of Manchu Language and Culture