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mǎn táng hóng
  • full house;all-round victory;success in every field;triumph on all fronts
满堂红 [mǎn táng hóng]
  • [all-round victory;success in every field] 比喻各方面都取得好成绩,或到处都很兴旺

满堂红[mǎn táng hóng]
  1. 他这学期的学习成绩夺得了满堂红。

    He has had all-round success in his study this term .

  2. 但是,不稳定是一把双刃剑:也许只需要一个满堂红季度,Facebook股票就可以像坐火箭一般,一下涨至其发行价38美元每股。

    But volatility is a two-edged blade : it could take only one blowout quarter from Facebook ( FB ) to send its stock rocketing back toward its $ 38 A share offering price .

  3. 提出了满堂红脚手架和双排架的结构要求及计算方法,并将该方法应用于实际工程。

    The author also used these methods in practical projects .

  4. 我想,我们需要卖个满堂红。

    I think we need a * A dignified sell .

  5. 史蒂夫以一手满堂红赢了这副牌。

    Steve won the poker game with a full house .

  6. 今年我们厂是满堂红,各项指标都提前完成了。

    Our factory has had all-round success this year .

  7. 《指环王》的原声唱片卖得满堂红。

    Eg. The soundtrack from lord of the rings has turned into a big hit .

  8. 满堂红地产的一位地产中介向记者推荐道。

    A full house , a real estate real estate intermediary to reporters Recommended Road .

  9. 而满堂红有关人士表示,部分业主提价在5%左右,最多为10%。

    The full house is said , some property owners in the5 % price increase of up to10 % .

  10. 继在前三年全国比赛中连续获得“满堂红”之后,这家公司今年又夺得了国际大奖。

    After winning every national contest in previous years , the company took home an international prize this year .