
  • 网络flooding therapy;implosive therapy;Satiation Therapy
  1. 满灌疗法的原理,是激发患者内心强烈的焦虑感,进而消除恐惧感。然而,有批评者指出,这样的暴露疗法不但不会起到治疗效果,反而会适得其反,让已经备受恐惧折磨的患者更加痛苦。

    However , critics say that intense exposures may not be therapeutic but instead traumatic to people already struggling with extreme fear .

  2. 患者是否会对满灌疗法产生不良反应,无法预测;所以,使用满灌疗法时不急于求成,效果可能更好。

    There is no way to know if a patient will respond well to flooding therapy , so the general consensus is that slow and steady wins the race .

  3. 满灌疗法和暴露疗法一样直截了当:患者第一次求医,医生就会让他们直面所有令其恐惧的场景。

    Flooding therapy works just like exposure therapy , except there is nothing slow about it . Patients will be asked to face full-on fear in the first visit .

  4. 但不用担心,满灌疗法(患者直面他们所恐惧的情景),能帮患者摆脱害怕蜘蛛、狗,甚至害怕电梯的心理焦虑。

    But never fear ; anxiety caused by spiders , dogs , and even elevators can all be alleviated through flooding , an intense form of exposure therapy that requires patients to face their fears .