
  • 网络Claustrophobia
  1. 他呆在一个狭小的地方,体验到了幽闭恐惧症的感觉。

    He experienced feelings of claustrophobia from being in a small place .

  2. 我讨厌电梯&电梯使我有幽闭恐惧感。

    I hate lifts - they give me claustrophobia .

  3. 他们生活在一种令人感到幽闭恐惧的不健康氛围里。

    They lived in an unhealthily claustrophobic atmosphere

  4. 这所房子太让人感到幽闭恐惧了。

    The house felt too claustrophobic .

  5. 中国城街区往往如同电影画面,会导致幽闭恐惧症,而南边的中国城冰激凌工厂(ChinatownIceCreamFactory)在那里算是赏心悦目的(旁边还有个西安名吃店(Xi’anFamousFoods),里面的羊脸值得一试)。

    To the south , Chinatown Ice Cream Factory has the scenic advantage of a cinematically claustrophobic Chinatown block ( plus Xi'an Famous Foods next door , for lamb face as a chaser ) .

  6. 朱莉追求快速的进展,拍完遥远的蓝色天际,她马上就让你进入B-24轰炸机幽闭恐惧般的世界,很快又受到日军的袭击。

    Ms. Jolie is a fast worker . After her inaugural nod at the wide blue yonder , she thrusts you inside the claustrophobic confines of a B-24 bomber that 's soon under Japanese attack .

  7. 问:男性比女性更容易患幽闭恐惧症吗?答:不。

    Q. Are men more likely to be claustrophobic than women ?

  8. 马克:对没有幽闭恐惧症的人来说还挺好的。

    Mark : Great for people who are not claustrophobic .

  9. 我要告诉他们我有幽闭恐惧症,我必须从这里面出去!

    I told them I was claustrophobic , I gotta get outta here !

  10. 它们不会让你感到幽闭恐惧吗?

    Don 't they make you feel claustrophobic ?

  11. 在现在狭窄无比、容易造成幽闭恐惧症的飞机中,引起乘客愤怒的事情可以说各种各样。

    There are many ways of inflaming passengers on today 's claustrophobically cramped airlines .

  12. 她们在那些小房间中感到了幽闭恐惧症。

    Both felt claustrophobic in the tiny rooms .

  13. 幽闭恐惧症的人诅咒房子的鬼魂。

    Claustrophobic people blame a house spirit .

  14. 小鼠研究发现,有一个单基因缺陷与幽闭恐惧症相关。

    In one study in mice , a single defective gene was associated with claustrophobia .

  15. 但幽闭恐惧症是其要点所在:每个人都落入了圈套,不管是阴谋者还是他们刺杀的目标。

    But claustrophobia is the point : everyone is trapped , the plotters and plotted-against .

  16. 要求他们后退一步,解释说你患有幽闭恐惧症。

    Ask them to take a step back , explaining that you 're pathologically claustrophobic .

  17. 该片的天赋表现在对伊娃的幽闭恐惧症想法那栩栩如生的描绘上。

    The gift of this version is its visual rendering of Eva 's claustrophobic thoughts .

  18. 5.告诉他们你有幽闭恐惧症

    Step 5 Tell them you 're claustrophobic

  19. 38例磁共振检查中引起幽闭恐惧症的原因分析及对策

    Causative analysis of 38 patients with clithrophobia during undergoing nuclear magnetic resonance examination and its countermeasures

  20. 我头晕起来,好象得了幽闭恐惧症那样,急于要回到那小屋里去。

    I felt dizzy , claustrophobic and had an intense desire to get back to the cottage .

  21. 而开放式的结构则消除了部分患者因幽闭恐惧症而带来的不适,同时为实时观察下的介入性操作提供了可能。

    And the open structure can avoid the claustrophobia of some people , make it possible to offer invasive operation in situ observation .

  22. 片中最紧张、最具幽闭恐惧气氛的镜头是在慕尼黑一个飞机库般的摄影棚内重建的1014号房间里拍摄的。

    Much of the tensest , most claustrophobic action is filmed in a reconstruction of room 1014 built inside a hangar-like studio in Munich .

  23. 我们把窗摇下来——这辆巨无霸塞了九个人,会让人得幽闭恐惧症的——我试图吸收尽可能多的阳光。

    We 'd rolled the windows down - the Suburban was a bit claustrophobic with nine people in it - and I tried to absorb as much sunlight as possible .

  24. 人们通常认为,幽闭恐惧症的发生是对创伤性经历(如儿时被困在衣柜里)的反应,但新的研究表明,遗传因素在其中也有一定的作用。

    It has often been assumed that claustrophobia develops as a response to a traumatic experience , like being trapped in a closet as a child , but newer research suggests a genetic component .

  25. 另一项大型研究使用了腔室较短并经过降噪的扫描仪,结果发现幽闭恐惧反应显著减少,但身为女性和年届中年仍与较高的幽闭恐惧症发生率相关。

    Another large study involving scanners with a shorter chamber and noise reduction found a significant reduction in claustrophobic reactions , but being female and middle-aged were still associated with a higher rate of claustrophobia .

  26. 非常抱歉,我刚到楼下,但我无法参加面试了,因为只有一部电梯到面试办公室,可我是幽闭恐惧症患者。

    Really sorry but I have just arrived at the building and I am not going to be able to make the interview as there is only an elevator to the office and I am claustrophobic .

  27. 最近的研究发现,有一些因素似与幽闭恐惧反应的增加相关,其中包括性别为女性、第一次进入扫描头、在以前的检查中曾有过负面体验等。

    A recent study found that certain factors seem to correlate with an increase in claustrophobic reactions , including being female , going into the scanner head first and having a previous negative experience with the test .

  28. 目前研究相对深入的是人们接受磁共振成像检查时的情况。此时人需要长时间待在仪器内部的狭小封闭空间中不能乱动,非常容易触发幽闭恐惧症。

    One situation that has been comparatively well researched is what happens when people need magnetic resonance imaging , which often involves a prolonged period of confinement in a small enclosure , the perfect storm of claustrophobia triggers .

  29. 人们尚不清楚为什么会出现这样的性别差异,对于幽闭恐惧症(患者在面对局限或封闭空间时会感觉极度恐慌)的研究也不像其它恐惧症那样充分。

    The reasons for such a gender difference are not clear , and claustrophobia , the feeling of extreme panic when faced with being in a confined or enclosed space , is not as well studied as some other phobias .

  30. 在晚上的轮班时间进行几个月的挖掘工作,那种充满尘土的幽闭空间恐惧仿佛真实可感。

    The dusty claustrophobia of the dig , conducted in night-time shifts over months , is palpable .