
  • 网络SLIDE SHOW;Slideshow
  1. startslides函数从第一项开始启动幻灯片放映。

    The start_slides function starts the slide show with the first item .

  2. 最后一步是创建Ajax版本的幻灯片放映。

    The final step in this process is to create the Ajax version of the slide show .

  3. 最后的标记定义了一个图像数组,然后使用loadslides和startslides函数启动幻灯片放映。

    The last tag defines an array of images , and then uses the load_slides and start_slides functions to start the slide show .

  4. 过去,通常需要Flash或者类似的应用程序才能实现本文这样的动态幻灯片放映。

    It used to be that you needed Flash or a similar application to make dynamic slide shows like the one in this article .

  5. 本文说明一个人如何在一两个小时中就能编写出小型的基于Ajax的幻灯片放映应用程序。

    This article shows how just one person can write a small Ajax-based slide viewing application in a couple of hours .

  6. 该项技术同样提供一种让新程序使用RSS的能力,包括发布历法,幻灯片放映。

    It will also introduce the ability to use RSS for new applications such as publishing calendars or picture slideshows .

  7. 只需插入你的SD,多媒体,记忆棒或USB记忆体,您的照片将显示在幻灯片放映演示文稿或一次一个。

    Simply insert your SD , Multimedia , Memory Stick or USB memory and your photos will be displayed in a slide show presentation or one at a time .

  8. 如果您想预览您的调查,请单击powerpoint窗口左下角的“幻灯片放映”按钮。

    If you want to preview your survey , click the slide show button in the lower left of the PowerPoint window .

  9. 幻灯片放映结束,选择结束放映退出。

    End of slide show , select End Show to exit .

  10. 并非所有的计算机都能使用所有的幻灯片放映主题。

    Not all slide show themes will work with all computers .

  11. 要运行幻灯片放映,至少要有一个幻灯片。

    Presentation must have at least 1 slide to run slide show .

  12. 您希望在幻灯片放映时如何开始播放声音?

    How do you want the sound to start in the slide show ?

  13. 用一些介绍性的评论作为幻灯片放映的开始。

    Began the slide show with some introductory remarks .

  14. 命名幻灯片放映的名称不能超过31个字符。

    The name of a named slide show must not exceed 31 characters .

  15. 是否希望保留幻灯片放映墨迹作为墨迹批注?

    Would you like to preserve your slide show ink as Ink Annotations ?

  16. 幻灯片放映结束,单击鼠标重新放映演示文稿。

    End of slide show , click to advance to beginning of presentation .

  17. 要保存注释,请将它们从幻灯片放映中移到普通或其他编辑视图。

    To keep your annotations , move them from slide show to normal and other editing views .

  18. 此演示文稿已经在运行幻灯片放映。请结束放映再试。

    This presentation is already running in slide show . Please end slide show and try again .

  19. 将用幻灯片放映的形式介绍富有地域特色的意大利民族服装、制服及狂欢节服饰。

    Cultural Attach é, comments a virtual gallery of folk costumes , uniforms and carnival costumes of Italy .

  20. 他作了一次引人入胜的演讲,随后是关于他最近一次北极探险的幻灯片放映。

    He gave a fas-cinating lecture which was followed by a slide show of his latest Arctic expedition .

  21. 如果发生这种情况,可以选择不同的分辨率或者单击“幻灯片放映分辨率”列表中的“使用当前分辨率”。

    If this happens , either choose a different resolution or click use current resolution in the slide show resolution list .

  22. 通过选择设置放映方式对话框中的性能选项,可以改善幻灯片放映性能。

    You can improve the performance of slide show by selecting options in the Performance area of the Set Up Show dialog box .

  23. 是否需要在幻灯片放映时自动播放声音?如果不,则在您单击时播放声音。

    Do you want your sound to play automatically in the slide show ? If not , it will play when you click it .

  24. 创建一新的幻灯片放映方式,编辑幻灯片,使用大纲查看,创建组织图表,创建报告型和总结型幻灯片。

    Create a New Slide Show , Edit Slides , Use the Outline View , Create an Organization Chart , Create a Presentation and Summary Slide .

  25. 幻灯片放映共需时间^0。需要在观看幻灯片放映时记录新的放映时间并使用该时间吗?

    The total time for the slide show was ^ 0 . Do you want to record the new slide timings and use them when you view the slide show ?

  26. ^0不包含任何幻灯片,无法放映。

    ^ 0 can 't be shown because it contains no slides .

  27. 母版幻灯片不含任何放映效果。

    Master slides do not have any slide show effects .

  28. 放映幻灯片时,不能放映子文件夹快捷方式中的图片。

    Slide shows can 't include pictures from subfolder shortcuts .

  29. 他们高兴地看到他们度假的幻灯片在萤幕上放映出来。

    They are delighted to see their holiday slides project on a screen .

  30. 幻灯片漫游只能在幻灯片放映窗口运行。

    Slide Navigator can only run in a Slide Show window .