
  • 网络Phantom;mirage;phantom read;Eidolon
幻像 [huàn xiàng]
  • [mirage;phantom] 幻化虚像

  • 探险家被一条西北通道的幻像吸引

  1. 有关幻像行的详细信息,请参见幻像行教程。

    For more information about phantom rows , see phantom row tutorial .

  2. 防止不可重复的读取,但是仍可以有幻像行。

    Prevents non-repeatable reads but phantom rows are still possible .

  3. 凭借RMS,健康的人们能够被诱导看见幻像并听见他们头脑中的声音。

    With RMS , healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads .

  4. 他观念中的美国与中国其实都是作为具有主观色彩的幻像而存在的。

    His conceptions about America and China are all subjective illusions .

  5. 对未来事件的幻像?

    A shared vision of something that is yet to occur ?

  6. 高级圣堂武士还能制造幻像吗?

    Will the high templar still be able to create hallucinations ?

  7. 我眼睛里面出现像彩虹般的幻像。

    The image of something like a rainbow appears in my eyes .

  8. 你每次幻像里都是他吗?

    And it is the same person in every visions ?

  9. 透过窗户看到的花园只是一种巧妙的视觉幻像。

    The garden through the windows was merely a clever optical illusion .

  10. 她在那里看到了圣洁的幻像

    It was here that she experienced a holy vision ,

  11. 我是否只是镜中幻像?

    Am I the one only the mirror sees ?

  12. 爱丽丝的幻像&是连续的动画还是像一幅一幅的照片呢?

    Q.Alice 's visions-are they animated or like photographs ?

  13. 他宣称他在见到基督的幻像后得到了圣伤痕。

    He claims he received the stigmata after seeing a vision of christ .

  14. 关掉所有的电源,包括调音台电源开关和幻像电源开关。

    Turneverything off , including the mixer 's POWER switch and PHANTOMPOWER switch .

  15. 当爱丽丝正在感应未来的幻像时爱德华能从她的脑海中读到吗?

    Q.Can Edward read Alice 's mind while she 's having a'vision ' ?

  16. 你是不是又看到那种幻像了?

    Did you have another one of your visions ?

  17. 那个你幻像中的女孩。

    The girl you 've been dreaming about .

  18. 钱就是胡萝人是幻像。

    Money is the carrot , the illusion .

  19. 巨大星云写意着浪漫的幻像

    Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance

  20. 意识处于这个层面的求道者会从所有无知和幻像中解脱出来。

    When the mind reaches this , the aspirant becomes free from all ignorance and illusion .

  21. 他在兜售一种幻像。

    He is peddling an illusion .

  22. 我们不知道她从这场幻像种看到的是否是可预防的。

    We don 't know that whatever she 's suffering from in this vision isn 't preventable .

  23. 现代性与都市幻像日本建筑师1980年以来在上海的建筑设计的空间分析

    An Alternative Modernity and Metropolitan Fantasy An Analysis of Space of Architecture by Japanese Architects since 1980

  24. 视像艺术的幻像

    The Illusions of Visual Arts

  25. 小说最终揭示的是,在后现代社会,主体的存在只是一种幻像,永恒的虚空才是宿命的策略。

    Thus this novel reveals that the subjective existence is illusory and eternal void is the fatal strategy .

  26. 这就是为何连结和拨开幻像是治疗世界的方法。

    This is why connection and moving aside the illusion of separation is the healing of the world .

  27. 从理论上说,自由贸易理论建立在很多脱离现实的假设基础上,而由此构建的经济天堂虽然令人向往,但终究是一个可望而不可及的幻像。

    Theoretically , free trade theory is based on many assumptions that are far from the truth of reality .

  28. 从忠实的镜像到超真实的幻像&20世纪模仿理论的演变

    From Mirror-Image to Hyper-Realistic Illusion : the Evolution of Imitation Theories in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  29. 有好事者把这幅画像传到网上,据说盯著她的眼睛看得久一点,会产生幻像。

    Someone just put this picture on internet ! Stare at her eyes , you will see a phantom !

  30. 每当我看见那缀满繁星的夜景,巨大星云画出非凡的传奇幻像,

    When I behold , upon the night 's starred face , Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance ,