
  1. 再也不能理解幻想和童话世界

    He can no longer understand A fairy tale , a fairyland

  2. 要证明这样的观点,首先就要论述幻想是童话的本质这一根本的问题。

    To illustrate this , firstly we should probe the basic problem-essence of fairy tale .

  3. 换句话说,这是幻想,是童话,是公主与乞丐。

    In other words , it 's a fantasy , it is the fairy tale , it is the princess and the pauper .

  4. 商业化与纯文学化的创作争刚开始,幻想文学颠覆童话的争执再度升级。

    However , the moment the dispute between industrialization and literary creative theory starts , the dispute over illusive literature overturns fairy tales becomes much more serious .

  5. 看着窗外的天空,幻想着我那童话般的故事;

    Watching the sky window , I imagined it as a fairy tale ;