
  1. 这部名为《幻城》的新剧已于7月24日在网络上首播。

    The new series , named Ice Fantasy , premiered online on July 24 .

  2. 郭敬明已经写了好几本畅销书,包括《幻城》和《悲伤逆流成河》。

    Jingming has written several best sellers including : City of Fantasy and River of Sorrow .

  3. 我永远读不懂,我就如同一个迷路的小孩,被困在《幻城》。

    I will never understand , I just like a lost child , trapped in a " - " .

  4. 许多《幻城》小说的读者都在吐槽这部新剧对人物和情节的改编是如何地令人尴尬。

    Many readers of City of Fantasy are talking about how awkwardly the new show has made changes to the characters and the plotline .

  5. 他已经出版了许多书籍,比如《幻城》、《夏至未至》等等。这些书都非常感人。

    He has published many books , such as " Visionary "," The Summer Still Doesn 't Come " * These books are very touching .

  6. 不幸的是,这部电视剧来得太晚了——至少于我而言——长大后的我早已对那份多愁善感没了兴致,而这一切却正好是《幻城》的卖点。

    Unfortunately , the show came a bit too late - at least for me - since I have long outgrown the taste for * sloppy sentiment , which is all that Ice Fantasy is .

  7. 尽管存在缺点,但这部新剧还是吸引了大批观众:据设在上海的媒体数据监测公司Vlinkage的数据显示,首播后第一天,《幻城》的前四集就有了超过3亿的播放量。

    Despite its flaws , the new show is attracting a mass following : Only one day after its premiere , the first four episodes of Ice Fantasy were viewed over 300 million times , according to Shanghai-based media data company Vlinkage .

  8. 电视剧《幻城》的编剧沈芷凝认为将小说改编成电视剧就像翻译一样,要意译不要直译,为了让改编更加自然,需要对原作进行一些增添或是删减。

    Shen Zhining , the screenwriter of Ice Fantasy , explained that to * adapt a novel onto the screen is like translating from one language into another - instead of interpreting the text word-by-word , some items need to be added or * omitted from the original in order to make the adaptation flow smoothly .