
  • 网络merger and acquisition;Merger & Acquisition;M&A
  1. 各行各业日渐成熟,市场开始发挥作用,公司的兼并与收购,这些因素使得工作缺乏稳定性。

    As businesses matured and market forces started to work , mergers and acquisitions have made employment less secure .

  2. 兼并与收购(简称并购)是企业扩张和发展的一条有效途径。

    Mergers and acquisitions ( i.e. , M & As ) are a means of firms expansion and growth .

  3. 企业并购指企业间的兼并与收购,国际上通常称为MergersandAcquisitions,简称M&A。

    The M & A of enterprises refers to Mergers and Acquisitions .

  4. 在并购(MergersandAcquisitions,M&A,兼并与收购)时代,我们常常无法回避的一个问题是:如何在不影响用户体验的前提下完成产品线集成。

    In this age of mergers and acquisitions , a common problem faced by solution architects is the integration of product lines in a manner that provides a consistent user experience .

  5. 外国直接投资(FDI)主要包括两种形式:一种为新建投资,亦称绿地投资,另一种为跨国并购投资,即两国企业之间的兼并与收购。

    The Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) have two styles : One is Establishing-Investment , or named " Green-field Investment " , the other is " Cross-border M A Investment " , it means M A between domestic companies and foreign companies .

  6. 相比起关注兼并与收购,中国CEO们正在计划通过扩张自身业务运作和流程(60%)、建立协作的合作伙伴关系/合资企业(39%)和进行大规模商业模式转型(35%)来实施这些增长计划。

    Rather than focusing on mergers and / or acquisitions , China CEOs are planning to deliver on these growth initiatives by scaling up their own business operations and processes ( 60 percent ) , entering into collaborative partnerships / joint ventures ( 39 percent ) and undertaking large-scale business model transformations ( 35 percent ) .

  7. 上市公司兼并与收购的财富效应

    Study on Wealth Effects of M & A of Listed Companies

  8. 交易所之间的兼并与收购早已屡见不鲜。

    There has been a slew of mergers and takeovers .

  9. 集装箱班轮运输企业的兼并与收购

    The Merger & Purchase of Container Liner Enterprises

  10. 企业兼并与收购成本构成分析

    An Analysis of the Make-up of the Cost in the Enterprise Takeover and Purchase

  11. 所谓并购,就是兼并与收购的简称。

    What is called M & A is the shortened form of merger and acquisitions .

  12. 兼并与收购是企业重组的普遍运作形式。

    Merger and acquisition ( M & A ) are familiar approaches in the reconstructing of enterprises .

  13. 越来越多的中国上市公司选择兼并与收购海外上市的外国公司。

    There are more Chinese listed companies , listed domestically or overseas , doing overseas merger and acquisition .

  14. 企业并购(兼并与收购的简称)是市场竞争的产物。

    The enterprise 's Merge and Acquisition ( M & A ) is the product of the market competition .

  15. 然后阐述了西方投资银行在企业兼并与收购的交易过程中的重要作用和我国投资银行参与企业并购的现状与问题所在。

    Then this text explained the important role western and our investment bank played in the course of enterprise .

  16. 兼并与收购是指企业通过转移所有权或控制权的方式,实现企业扩张和发展的一种经营手段。

    Combination and purchase refers to the management method which transfers proprietary rights or control rights to develop and expand business .

  17. 企业的兼并与收购是一个复杂的系统工程,涉及广泛,因此在进行兼并前必须进行详细的可行性研究。

    Enterprises ' merger and purchase is a complex system engineering . Before merger the detailed feasibility study must be made .

  18. 本论文的完整题目是,以兼并与收购为手段的股权经营及其市市场组织。

    The complete title of the thesis is that stock-ownership operation and its market organization by means of merger and acquisition .

  19. 纽约代表处是苏黎世金融服务集团兼并与收购集团(mergers&acquisitionsgroup)和不断发展扩大的全球能源部的总部所在。

    The New York office also acts as headquarters for zurich 's mergers & acquisitions group and expanding global energy unit .

  20. 兼并与收购的主要区别在于并购是否会导致企业主体资格的灭失。

    The main difference between them lies in whether the enterprise body qualification is lost after the M & A had completed .

  21. 作为拥有数大金融财团或超级银行的西方发达资本主义国家,为国内银行业的跨国经营、兼并与收购提供了大量翔实的案例及丰富借鉴经验。

    The financial consortiums or Super banks in developed countries have provided us with abundant of banking M & A cases and experiences .

  22. 最后,在外部联盟方面,通过策略联盟、兼并与收购等手段,整合或利用外部资源,增强竞争优势。

    Finally , about exterior alliance , through policy allied , annexing and purchasing to integrate or use outsourcing to enhance competence superiority .

  23. 公司兼并与收购是市场经济的产物,也是市场发展的必然要求。

    Mergers and acquisitions are not only a product of the market economy , and are also an inevitable requirement of the market development .

  24. 利用实物期权思想来识别兼并与收购中的期权特性,并建立了实物期权未来价值上升预测框架。

    Use of real options thinking to identify the characteristics of M & A options , and set up a real option valuation model .

  25. 在过去的两年中,宝钢已完成了兼并与收购战略,以提高其高附加值产品的竞争力。

    The steel giant has completed several mergers and acquisitions over the past two years to boost competitive edge for high value-added steel products .

  26. 由于在兼并与收购战略中对目标企业定价是一个核心问题,也是一个急需改进的问题,所以本文尝试采用一些新的方法来对目标企业进行定价,期望能克服传统定价方法的不足。

    Therefore , this paper focuses on a core issue in acquisition - acquired corporation pricing and attempts to present some new pricing methods for acquired corporation .

  27. 最近20年有大量研究北美和欧洲兼并与收购的成果问世。

    A large amount of research works on the results of the annexation practices in North America and Europe came out in the most recent 20 years .

  28. 并购,意即兼并与收购,是指通过企业产权、控制权的转移和重新组合等,实现改善企业经营效率、存量资产的优化配置和增量资产现代化的目的。

    M & A means mergers and acquisitions , which can improve enterprises ' management efficiency , optimize enterprises ' assets disposition , and modernize increased assets .

  29. 世纪之交国际直接投资领域的一个重要现象,是以跨国公司为主体的跨国兼并与收购的空前发展,跨国并购已经成为跨国公司对外直接投资的主要方式。

    The unprecedented development of transnational merging and annexation mainly by transnational corporations has signified that transnational merging and annexation has become major means for international investment .

  30. 医疗市场竞争日趋激烈,医疗机构之间出现兼并与收购,是市场经济发展的必然结果,是资本运作的一个重要组成部分。

    The competition of medical market is sharper and sharper . It is an inevitable result of development of market economy for the merger and purchase among hospitals .