
  • 网络Precession Frequency
  1. 操作条件和结构参数对旋风分离器不同轴向高度上的涡核进动频率会产生不同的影响。

    Operating conditions and structural parameters have different effect on vortex core precession frequency of cyclone on different axial height .

  2. 推导出了实现磁矩翻转所需的临界电流的解析表达式,同时还获得了磁矩进动频率随电流、外磁场以及类场自旋转移矩的变化关系。

    The analytical expression of switching current is derived . Meanwhile , we obtain the dependence of precession frequency on the current , external magnetic field and field-like spin-transfer torque .

  3. 特别是当磁场的进动频率与塞曼能移满足共振条件时,每个自旋近藤峰就会劈裂为两个自旋共振峰的叠加。

    In particular , when the precession frequency is tuned to resonance between the spin-up and spin-down states of the dot , the Kondo singularity for each spin splits into a superposition of two resonance peaks .

  4. 已知的进动中子星非常稀少-一般说来,除非它们被什么给击中,然后偏离原来的转轴,而这在太空中发生的可能性并不大,另外,它们的进动频率对ligo来说也太低了。

    It 's pretty rare in known neutron stars-basically they need to be hit by something and knocked off-axis , which doesn 't happen often in space , and they 're precessing at frequencies too low for ligo .