
  • 网络entry and exit
  1. 中国工业企业进入与退出Orr模型的实证分析

    Study on Industry Firms Entry and Exit by Orr Model

  2. 基于完整建筑产品的概念,应用SCP范式,分析中国建筑企业的基本特征、产业结构和市场集中度、市场进入与退出壁垒等状况,剖析中国建筑企业价值成长过程。

    Based on the concept of complete construction products , use the SCP paradigm to analyze the basic characteristics , industry structure and concentration , barriers of entry and exit , as well as the value enhancement procedure of Chinese construction enterprises 4 .

  3. 总之,市场结构的变化是FDI进入与退出方式以及竞争行为等因素共同作用的结果。市场结构的变化间接对产业结构产生作用。

    And the change of China 's system of ownership caused by FDI influence the market structure indirectly .

  4. 供应链的进入与退出机制分析

    Economic Analysis on the Entry and Exit Mechanism of Supply Chain

  5. 一类进入与退出投资决策的评价

    The evaluation of investment strategies of a class of entry and exit

  6. 频率经济、市场进入与退出

    Economies of Frequency , Market Entry and Quit

  7. 中国制造业企业的进入与退出决定因素分析

    A Study on the Influencing Factor of the Entry and Exit of Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises

  8. 基于企业进入与退出的产业网络演化研究

    Research on the Evolution of Industrial Networks Based on the Entry and Exit of Enterprise

  9. 湖南省工商银行信贷进入与退出策略研究

    The Research on Strategy of Credit Entering and Exit of Hunan Province Industrial and Commercial Bank

  10. 产业网络的演化与企业的进入与退出密切相关。

    The evolution of industrial network is closely related to the entry and exit of enterprises .

  11. 进入与退出壁垒的研究是产业经济学的重要组成部分。

    The research on the entry and exit barriers is an important part of industrial economics .

  12. 所以,在发达的保险市场,市场的进入与退出是一个常识性的问题。

    So , in the developed insurance markets , market entry and exit is a common-sense question .

  13. 中国保险业的进入与退出壁垒研究

    A Study on the Entry of Barriers and the Exit of Barriers of China 's Insurance Industry

  14. 第四部分是中国服务业企业进入与退出的实证结果分析。

    The fourth part is the analyses of empirical results about service industry firms entry and exit .

  15. 第二部分介绍了服务经济和企业进入与退出的相关理论。

    The second part describes the relative theory of services economics and the firms entry and exit .

  16. 保险市场的进入与退出壁垒都会对市场效率产生较大影响。

    Both entering and retreating the barriers will be greatly influential on the effective rate of the market .

  17. 我国风险投资扩张的关键在于进入与退出机制的进一步完善。

    The key to the expansion of venture investment of our country lies in the further perfection of entrance withdrawal mechanism .

  18. 转子系统的阵发性混沌是响应随时变参数的变化进入与退出混沌的行为,进入与退出的方式和时刻都具有随机性的特点;

    This also shows that the intermittent chaos is the random process of response entering and exiting chaos with time varying parameters .

  19. 在模块化产品产生之后,围绕整机产品与子模块群,市场进入与退出异常活跃,产业获得快速成长。

    After the introduction of the first modularity product , the industry develops quickly since the market entry and exit take place frequently .

  20. 分析了商业银行进入与退出壁垒,并认为政策法律性壁垒是中国银行业主要的进入壁垒。

    It analyses entry and exit barriers to the commercial banks and it is found that policy barriers and legal barriers are the major barriers .

  21. 明确锰矿资源的市场结构,包括市场的集中度、进入与退出壁垒、产品的差异化进行深入研究。

    Besides , chapter 3 aims to clear manganese market structure , including the detailed study on market concentration , entry and exit barriers , product differentiation .

  22. 文章结构分为五大部分,第一部分介绍了选题的背景及意义,以及国内外学者对企业进入与退出的研究现状。

    The first part introduces the background and significance of the topic and the present situation of the research of domestic and foreign scholars about firms entry and exit .

  23. 第二个模型是关于进入与退出投资决策的评价,产品价格服从几何布朗运动-跳跃过程。

    The second model is about evaluating entry and exit investment strategies , in which output price follows a combination of a geometric Brownian motion and a jump process .

  24. 按市场原则优化商业银行的资源配置&信贷市场进入与退出和资产出售研讨会论文综述(上)

    Optimizing resources allocation of commercial banks in line with market principle & summary of the Symposium on entry and exit of credit market and assets sale ( part one )

  25. 第四章分别从市场集中度、进入与退出壁垒和产品差异化对甘肃省目前的畜牧养殖市场结构和畜牧产品加工业市场结构进行了分析。

    Analyze the market structure of animal husbandry cultivates and processing industry of livestock products from the concentration degree of market separately , enter and withdraw from the barrier and products difference .

  26. 传统理论对于企业的进入与退出问题的分析更多地还停留在马歇尔意义上的长期平均成本、短期可变成本与价格的比较以及传统的净现值的分析框架内。

    The research of traditional theory on this subject still focuses on the comparing of Marshallian long run average cost and short run variable cost with price , and net present value analysis .

  27. 其次,在分析总结进入与退出问题相关研究现状的基础上将我国服务业进入退出问题的理论基础进行梳理探究。

    Second , it sorts out the theories about the service enterprises ' entering and exiting in China on the basis of the analysis and summary about the status of entering and exiting .

  28. 从后向关联产业的发展严重滞后、行业的进入与退出壁垒一定程度失效、环境保护要求的日益提高等几个方面分析了我国铅锌冶炼行业发展所面临的威胁;

    It also analyzes the threats in the aspects of relatively hysteretic development of backward related industry , ineffective barrier of entry & exit in some extent , increasingly strict requirement of environment protection .

  29. 之后,论文从风险资本的筹集、机构关系、合约的制定、税收政策与企业家精神、风险资本的进入与退出方式等多方面作了较详尽、系统的分析,并提出了一些创新性观点。

    Then , the paper analyzes detailedly the raise of verdure capital , organization relationship , contracts formulation , tax policy and entrepreneur spirits , etc. , and some new viewpoints are brought forward .

  30. 长途信函传递网具有一定的规模经济与较弱的范围经济性,而实物配送网与邮政汇兑网则不具有进入与退出的壁垒,邮政产业不具有自然垄断形成的条件。

    We find that whether the exchange networks or the parcel distribution networks have no barriers to entry and exit , and it means natural monopoly condition does not exist in the postal industry .