
  • 网络Financial system reform;fiscal reform
  1. 在此基础之上,全面梳理了经济体制改革与财政体制改革的进程。

    On this basis , this paper comprehensive combed the reform process of economic system and fiscal reform .

  2. 财政分权体制改革一直都是我国经济研究的重要课题,而省直管县财政体制改革作为具体财政体制改革形式,也受到国内多数学者的关注。

    The reform of the fiscal decentralization system has always been an important research topic of Chinese economic . As a specific form of fiscal reform , the Province-Governing-County Fiscal system attracted much concern of the majority of domestic scholars .

  3. 第四章《俄罗斯财政体制改革》首先论述了西方发达国的财政理论、财政调控手段及财政体制的特点。

    Chapter Four is on " Russian financial system reform " .

  4. 贵州省乡镇财政体制改革探析

    Discussion and Analysis on Rural Financial System Reform of Guizhou Province

  5. 是财政体制改革的重要内容;

    To reform it is the main content of financial system ;

  6. 对推进新疆县级财政体制改革的思考

    Speculations of Promoting Fiscal System Reform on County Level in Xinjiang

  7. 对我国城市财政体制改革的再思考

    Reconsiderations About the Reform of China 's Urban Financial System

  8. 财政体制改革要实行复式预算制度

    Repeated Budget Systems Should Be Adopted In The Reform Of Financial System

  9. 财政体制改革的路径依赖

    Discussion on the Path Dependence of the Financial Structural Reform

  10. 公共财政体制改革与和谐社会建设

    The Reform of Public Finance System and the Building of Harmonious Society

  11. 中国财政体制改革效应指数模型

    An effectiveness index model of China 's fiscal system reform

  12. 交易费用、政府边界与财政体制改革

    Transaction Costs , Government Boundary and the Reform of Fiscal Management System

  13. 农村义务教育与政府财政体制改革

    Rural Compulsory Education and the System Reform of Government Finance

  14. 我国公共教育财政体制改革的进展、问题及对策

    Progress , Problems and Countermeasures of Chinese Public Educational Finance System Reform

  15. 关于新时期基础教育财政体制改革的思考

    The New Thinking on the Basic Education Financing in the New Era

  16. 提出了我国西部贫困地区财政体制改革的五点构想。

    Proposed west our country the poor area finance organizational reform five conception .

  17. 财政体制改革与中央地方财政关系变化

    Financial System Reform and the Changing Financial Relations of Central and Local Governments

  18. 财政体制改革与财政审计创新

    Reform in Financial System and Innovation of Financial Audit

  19. 高等教育财政体制改革:国际经验与中国选择

    Financial System Reform of Higher Education : International Experiences and China 's Choice

  20. 高等教育财政体制改革问题研究综述

    A Research Summary of the Problems of Financial System Reform in Higher Education

  21. 农村公共事业建设与财政体制改革

    Public Facilities Construction in Rural Areas and Financial Reform

  22. 河北省分税制财政体制改革研究

    A Study of Fiscal System Reform of Division Tax System in HeBei Province

  23. 政府采购是财政体制改革的重要举措。

    The government purchase is the important move to the reform of financial system .

  24. 追求效率,兼顾公平美国基础教育财政体制改革的新趋势

    Both Effciency and Equity & the New Development of American Basic Education Financial System

  25. 论高等师范教育财政体制改革的若干问题

    On the Financial System Reforms of Higher Teacher-education

  26. 加强财政体制改革完善国库集中收付

    Reform and Development of the Financial System about Accounting Settlement of the National Treasury

  27. 浅析与财政体制改革有关的深层次问题

    Analysis on the Reform of Multi-level Fiscal System

  28. 公共财政体制改革下的高等教育投入体制改革研究

    Research on the Input System Optimization of Chinese Higher Education under Public Finance System

  29. 财政体制改革与双二元嵌合经济结构转型&对我国的经济结构转换的财政社会学分析

    The Reform of Fiscal System and the Transformation of Double Dual - chimeric Economy

  30. 省以下财政体制改革也使地方不同级次政府之间的支出结构发生较大变化。

    Fiscal regime reforms below province level also greatly changed the local public expenditure structure .