
  • 网络selective excitation;selective incentive
  1. 京都议定书提供的选择性激励

    The Selective Incentives Provided by the Kyoto Protocol

  2. 基于此,本文构建了成本分担机制、选择性激励机制、碳交易机制和环境非政府组织参与机制。

    Based on this , we construct the cost-sharing mechanism , selective incentives mechanism , carbon trading mechanism and participation mechanism for environmental non-governmental organizations .

  3. 选择性激励技术在腰椎间盘突出症中的应用价值

    Application Value of Principle of Selective Excitation Technique in Lumbar Disc Herniation

  4. 第四,空间环境对集体行动的选择性激励。

    The fourth is the selective inspiration of space on the collective action .

  5. 但是联户组织领导人却获得声誉、名望等社会性选择性激励。

    But the joint leaders won reputation , fame and other social selective excitation .

  6. 碳关税可以被看作是为解决全球气候问题而对主权国家的选择性激励。

    Carbon tariffs can be seen as issues to address global climate selective excitation of sovereign states .

  7. 为了保证教育组织的正常运行,可以采用选择性激励来诱导教育个体承担教育组织运行成本,也可以采用强制的方式向教育个体征收教育组织的运行成本。

    We can apply the choice incentive to allure the functional cost of education organization from education individual .

  8. 为此要切实保护耕地,就必须针对农户成本收益函数设计有效的选择性激励机制。

    Therefore we need to protect arable land , must according to the selective incentive mechanism of farmers cost-benefit function to design effective .

  9. 第三,某些空间结构具有潜在的监控与赏罚功能,能够在潜在的行动者中形成选择性激励,这从而防止了搭便车者的产生。

    Thirdly , the space structure has the potential monitoring , rewards and punishments function to form the selective inspiration in the latent actors , in case of hitchhike .

  10. 因按技术分配形成的集体成员“不对称”与“选择性激励”对技术所有者产生的极大激励作用,纵向异质与横向异质统一的技术所有者内在地需要按技术分配。

    The inherent demands of distribution according on the degree of techniques mastering arise from the " dissymmetry " of the group members and the " selective encouragement " to the masters .

  11. 第二,东南亚反恐制度为各国提供选择性激励,缓解集体行动困境,促使各国对合作采取积极立场。

    Secondly , anti-terrorism institutions in Southeast Asia provide selective incentives for national countries , ease the dilemmas of collective action , and prompt all countries to take an active stance to cooperate .

  12. 新机制基于共同但有区别的责任原则、成本分担原则和选择性激励原则,通过连接的思想,建立了碳排放联合交易机制的基本框架。

    The new mechanism bases on the principle of common but differentiated responsibility , principle of cost sharing , and principle of selective promoting , through the thought of " connection ", forming the structure of carbon emissions union trading mechanism .

  13. 根据公共支出理论的相关原理和原则,水库安全管理投入应遵循公共需要原则、市场优先原则、效益原则、选择性激励原则等。

    According to the theory of public expenditure , reservoir safety management should obey to the principles of public needs , the market principle of giving priority benefit , the principle of untility , the principle of selective incentives and so on .

  14. 在D厂的这次集体行动中,选择性的激励并不明显,职工通过集体行动可以得到的经济和其他方面的回报是未知的,而不参加也不会有任何惩罚。

    In the collective action of D factory , there is not obviously elective incentive to the workers . The rewards is uncertain if they join the collective action and if they not , there is not any publishment to them .

  15. 设计一事一议的项目应该尽量利益相容,尽量维持小规模格局,采用有选择性的激励方式,同时要确保资金专款专用、财务公开、群众评估和农民参与维护等。

    Designing the items of case-by-case should make benefits compatible , maintain the small scale setup as far as possible , adopt a selective incentives pattern and ensure the funds for its specified purpose only , open the financial affairs , the masses evaluation and farmers participating in upholding , etc.

  16. 基于选择性理性的激励模型及应用研究

    Incentives Model and Application Research Based on Selective Rationality Economic Behavior