
  • 网络Select indicators;index for selection
  1. 在初步选取指标的基础上,用SPSS软件统计分析的聚类分析对指标进行筛选。

    Cluster analysis of SPSS is used to choose the representative indexes .

  2. 阐述了数据包络分析(DEA)的原理与方法,用因子分析法选取指标,用DEA方法对广西14个城市的经济发展进行了相对效率的评价与分析。

    We elaborate the principle and the method of data envelope analysis ( DEA ), and use the factor analytic method to select index and present the relative efficiency appraisal and the analysis of the Guangxi 14 cities economical development with the DEA method .

  3. 接着,在文献研究的基础上,通过调查问卷的方式获得AMS项目风险因素,采用聚类分析法对风险因素聚类,并按照专家意见选取指标,从而构建风险评价指标体系。

    Then , on the basis of the literature research , this paper concludes the considerable risk factors for AMS project by the questionnaires-survey and clusters them in cluster analysis , then , builds up a index system .

  4. 第四部分描述研究区域概况,选取指标、构建模型。

    The fourth part describes general research area , indicators and constructs model .

  5. 地图上确定居民地选取指标的依据研究

    A Study of the Basis for Determing the Quotas of Settlements Selected for Mapmaking

  6. 系列地形图实用确定居民地选取指标的数学模型

    A Series of Usefully Mathematical Model to Determine Quotas of Settlement Selection on Topographic Map

  7. 详细介绍了如何选取指标,建立了一个指标体系,并对指标体系进行了具体的说明。

    Details on how to select targets , establish a system of indicators and indicator system for a specific description .

  8. 选取指标,运用主成份分析法和旅游产业区位商相结合的方法对安徽17个地级市成为旅游产业增长极的实力进行了优势排序。

    Anhui tourism industry growth poles have been chosen in the method of bring factor analysis and tourism location quotient model .

  9. 在考虑相对独立选取指标的基础上,建立了基于M的向量范数的安全指数评价模型及安全指标分析模型。

    Based on above two points , the safety index evaluation model by vector norms and safety index analytical model are established .

  10. 在使用划分方案时要结合实际情况选取指标,同时考虑热演化影响因素。

    In the use of partition scheme , index selection should combined with the actual situation , considering the thermal evolution influence factors simultaneously .

  11. 然后,利用层次分析法,针对股份制商业银行的特点同时综合考虑影响其竞争力的现实因素和潜在因素,从数量和质量两个角度选取指标,构建了比较完整、清晰的评价指标体系。

    Through considering both the competitiveness and potential factors , a complete and clear evaluation index system is built by using the analytic hierarchy process .

  12. 在肯定数字鸿沟客观存在的基础上,选取指标检验了因特网发展与经济发展间的关系。

    Based on the affirmation of the existence of digital divide , the article selects several indexes to test the relationship between Internet development and economical development .

  13. 以此为基础,作者从城市土地利用结构、土地利用强度、土地利用的经济、社会和环境效益五个方面选取指标,构建了精明增长下的城市土地集约利用评价指标体系。

    On the base of this , the author built an evaluation index system from land-use structure , intensity , land-use economic , social and environmental benefits .

  14. 根据选取指标的特征,选取正态函数作为隶属函数,介绍了评定因子参数的计算方法。

    According to the characteristics of the index , the normal function was chosen as the membership function , and the calculation method for evaluating the factor parameter was given .

  15. 分别从理论与实践角度论证和验证了核心业务异质性的根本,在此基础上选取指标体系建立评价模型。

    It discusses and verifies the difference of core business from both the theoretical and practical view , based on which the index appraisal system and the evaluation model are founded .

  16. 语言多属性评价模型在选取指标时结合养老创投项目特点,以机会识别机理为基础,分析构建养老公益创投项目机会评价模型。

    Linguistic multi attribute evaluation models selected indicators according to the characteristics of pension venture philanthropy projects , with the opportunity recognition mechanism as the foundation , analyzed and build evaluation model .

  17. 该算法分为三个方面:第一,在敏感事务的选择上,以冲突度大小为选取指标,处理规则间有交集的情况。

    There are three aspects of the algorithm : firstly , the conflict degree is regarded as the benchmark to select the sensitive matters , and there is overlap between the processing rules .

  18. 第四章从对客户关系管理能力的分析开始,根据评价体系的构建依据和原则,选取指标并用层次分析法给出了模型构建的步骤。

    Chapter 4 starts from analyzing CRM capability , chooses the index according to the principle of the evaluating system , and using the analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) method to construct the model .

  19. 首先主要从行业营运能力,行业盈利水平,行业发展能力三方面选取指标与全部工业平均水平进行横向比较分析,然后分不同地区、不同所有制结构比较乳品制造业企业间的经济效益差别。

    Firstly , it selects the targets form the ability of the circulating , the profit level and the development of the industry ; and then compares the three indexes with the entire industry average level ;

  20. 实际上,从一开始人们就始终在关注如何更有效地选取指标用于企业财务危机预警,并在企业财务危机预警指标选择改进方面开展了大量的工作,取得了一些成果。

    In fact , the researchers are always concerned about how to effectively select the indicators for enterprise financial crisis warning . They have done much work to improve the indicator selection and achieved some accomplishment .

  21. 首先介绍了因子熵值法的模型及步骤,然后从盈利能力、营运能力、偿债能力、发展能力以及市场价值五个方面选取指标建立指标体系。

    First , it introduces the model and steps of the Factor-entropy method . Then the index system which covers the indicators of profitability , operation ability , solvency , developing capability and market value is established .

  22. 采用专家咨询法和层次分析法,对闲置土地概念认定评价选取指标。其中包括区位因素、经济环境、土地利用状况和形成原因等四类主要影响指标。

    In the process of the concept congestion , indexes of expert advice process and analytical hierarchy process are used , which include four factors : location , economic environment , the actuality of land utilization , and the reasons for its formation .

  23. 从供给因素、需求因素、宏观因素和投资因素四个角度着手,分别分析其对上海市住宅价格的单因素影响状况,并选取指标进行时间序列下的上海市实证回归检验。

    From supply factors , demand factors , macroeconomic factors and investment in the four point set of factors were analyzed housing price in Shanghai the situation of single factors , and select the index of Shanghai under the empirical time-series regression testing .

  24. 在分析中国水体分区现状的基础上,结合中国水环境管理的要求,设想了我国水生态分区体系的构建思路,初步提出了适宜于我国的区划框架体系和主要选取指标。

    According to analysis of the present status of the aquatic regionalization in china , the paper proposes the frame of the aquatic ecological REGIONALIATION in China and discusses the indicators for the ecological regionalization , and finally predicts application prospects of the aquatic ecological region in china .

  25. 但使用模糊C均值算法时,理论上如何选取模糊指标m一直是一个问题。

    However , it is an open problem how to select an appropriate fuzziness index m in theory when implementing the FCM .

  26. 最后,提出了一种综合分析方法来选取评价指标主、客观权重的偏好系数u值。

    Finally , the combination weight method is proposed for selecting the value of the favorable coefficient of the subjective and objective weight of the evaluation indexes .

  27. AHP的扩展运用是选取相同指标的基期与报告期数值作动态评价,将各方案时期变动额中的贡献率进行再排序。

    The extensive application of AHP is to select base-period and report-period of the same indices to do dynamic evaluation , and to form a new sequence of indices ' contribution-rate from period-change quantum .

  28. 其次将所选取先行指标与宏观经济(GDP)运行状况进行多元回归分析,发现有七个变量显著的进入回归模型,可以用其对宏观经济走势进行预测。

    Then we analyse the chosen indicators and the GDP using the regression method and found that there are seven indicators significant in the regression . So we could forecast the macroeconomics situation using the seven leading indicators .

  29. 本文采用较成熟的状态压力响应(PSR)框架理论,从森林生态系统结构和功能角度选取评价指标。

    This paper took the mature theory of " state-pressure-response " ( PSR ) framework and selected the indicators in forest ecosystem structure and function perspective .

  30. 最后采用了C++BuiIder和Matlab开发工具,对正常蓄水位方案综合评价实现了由指标选取、指标输入、权重输入,到综合评判分析的计算机可视化评判模型。

    Lastly by C + + Builder and Matlab development toll the selection of index , the input of index , the input of weight and the result of comprehensive evaluation are accomplish in the model for compute comprehensive evaluation about normal water level .