
  • 网络experts consulting;expert consultation;delphi;delphi method
  1. 其次,从农业发展的目标模式出发,采用专家咨询法设计评估指标体系,综合集结专家意见确定各指标权重,即对农业可持续发展应该是什么给出专家的价值判断;

    Secondly , based on the objective model of the agricultural development this paper uses Delphi Technique to establish the system of evaluation indicators for ASD in China .

  2. 同时,运用专家咨询法和层次分析法确定各指标的权重系数,并对各指标的分值和评分标准进行了初步探讨。

    Meantime we use the Delphi and AHP to confirm the weighted coefficient of each index , and initially discuss the value and standard of grade of each index .

  3. 为了实现这一目标,本课题从实验研究入手,采用专家咨询法&特尔斐法(DelphiMethod)建立了一种比较完整、系统、科学的评估指标体系(第一阶段已完成)。

    To achieve this aim , in this paper we established an overall , systematical and scientific evaluation index system , adopting Delphi Method through experiment . ( The first step has been finished ) .

  4. 方法运用理论分析、层次分析、专家咨询法、Delphi专家咨询法,建立评估指标体系。

    Methods The indicator system was established with theory analysis , hierarchy analysis , expert counseling method , and Delphi method , as well as domestic and international data .

  5. 综合采用AHP方法及Delphi专家咨询法,对绿色建筑评估的指标体系、权重体系及适应性进行了研究;

    It comprehensively adopts AHP ( Analytic Hierarchy Process ) method and Delphi method to make study of the index system , weight system and adaptability of green building assessment ;

  6. 本文还探索运用层次分析(AHP)法与专家咨询法相结合,建立外包型中小道路客运企业营运风险因素量化分析与评价体系。

    The paper also explore to use association method of analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) and specialist advising , founding analyses quantity and evaluate system for management risk factors of extra .

  7. 对于多指标综合评估问题,分别采用AHP法、强制评分法、专家咨询法三种主观赋权法以及熵权法、离差分析法两种客观赋权法对指标进行赋权。

    Three subjective weighting methods including AHP , mandatory marking method and expert-consulting are applied in multi-index comprehensive assessment problem , as well as two objective weighting methods including entropy weight method and variation coefficient method .

  8. 在厘清脆弱性概念、评价框架和方法的基础上,选用Delphi专家咨询法构建了我国北方草原区牧户脆弱性评价指标体系。

    To clarify the vulnerability in concept , evaluation framework and methods , and on the basis of consulting experts choose Delphi method constructs the province in the north of MuHu vulnerability evaluation index system .

  9. 采用Delphi专家咨询法对拟定的功血中医证型以及与经期、经量相关的主症指标体系进行评判。

    This paper adopts methods of Delphi experts consultation to value the supposed types of syndromes in traditional Chinese medicine and a system of main symptoms index associated with cycle of menstruation and quantity of menstruation .

  10. 采用德尔菲专家咨询法确定IPSS得分、生活质量得分、住院总费用在综合评价中权重系数。

    The weight coefficients of IPSS score , quality of life score and general hospitalization expense in the comprehensive evaluation were defined by the Delphi Method .

  11. 方法采用文献评阅、描述性研究、德尔菲专家咨询法、层次分析法、综合指数法、加权秩和比法、Kendall等相关分析的方法。

    Methods Such methods and techniques as literature review , descriptive study , Delphi expert consultation , step analysis , composite index , weighted rank sum ratio , and correlation analysis as used by Kendall and others were adopted .

  12. 评价要素和评价指标选择&采用专家咨询法。

    The selection of evaluated elements and evaluated indexes-adopted TheSpecialists Inquired Method etc.

  13. 然后利用专家咨询法对指标的重要性和可操作性进行打分,达到筛选指标的目的。

    Then the Delphi method is used to choose the proper indicators .

  14. 运用专家咨询法的可靠性检验,证实了所制定的临床路径确实可行。

    The designed clinical pathway was confirmed feasible by reliability test of Delphi .

  15. 方法:采用现场调研和专家咨询法确立指标体系。

    Method s : Construct indicator system by spot investigation and Delphi method .

  16. 本文运用模糊数学隶属度的概念,在综合运用文献查阅法、职位说明书查阅法和专家咨询法等的基础上。

    The paper uses the concept of degree of membership in vague mathematics .

  17. 采用专家咨询法确定医学论文绩效评估中论文发表权重与被引用权重。

    The weight coefficients of papers published and papers cited were determined by consulting experts .

  18. 访谈法(专家咨询法):咨询养生学专家、身心学者和武术家。

    Interview ( expert consultation ): Consultation health experts , scholars and martial artists mind . 3 .

  19. 方法采用文献回顾法、专家咨询法、现况调查法和统计学处理进行研究。

    Methods Literature review , expert consultation , on-spot interview and statistical analysis were used in the present study .

  20. 通过两轮专家咨询法最后确定了评价指标体系和评价标准。

    After two rounds of experts consultation , we have determined all levels of evaluation index system and evaluation standard .

  21. 利用专家咨询法和专项调查,在对有关参数进行标化和量化的基础上核算了7种设备18个项目的标准成本。

    18 standard costs of health services for 7 types of medical equipment were accounted by Delphi study and field sur-vey .

  22. 通过实际调研和数据收集,运用专家咨询法确定引进高层次人才的评价指标体系。

    Through the actual research and data collection , using Delphi method to determine the guide line of introducing high-level talents .

  23. 专家咨询法计算各指标权重值进行综合评价分析,既考虑到平时的效益情况也充分考虑到战时因素对药材仓库综合利用的影响。

    The weights of different indices were accounted and comprehensively analyzed by experts consultation considering the utilization in both peacetime and wartime .

  24. 结合专家咨询法,通过层次分析法确立了该指标体系的层次单排序权重和层次总排序的权重。

    Combined with the expert consultation method and analytic hierarchy process method , the signal index weight and total sort weight are established .

  25. 方法改进的特尔菲专家咨询法进行2轮专家咨询,SPSS12.0分析数据。

    Methods Improved Delphi method was used to collect data , SPSS 12.0 was used to analyze the data from twice specialist consultation .

  26. 利用现场测查法和专家咨询法对医院绩效评价进行了研究。从上海市三个医科大学所属三级医院和上海市属三级医院中各抽取一所医院作典型调查。

    The authors made a study on the evaluation of performance for a hospital by surveys on the spot and consultation with the experts .

  27. 采用专家咨询法,借鉴护理干预分类方法,设计调查表,征求三所医院43位专家的意见,从护理项目耗费成本的角度,对各护理项目所应包含的内容进行界定。

    The project employs the method of expert consultation , and defines the contents of various nursing projects in the angle of nursing costs .

  28. 目的通过社区卫生服务顾客满意度指标体系的建立和调查,检验专家咨询法的可靠性。

    Objectives To establish and investigate the customer satisfaction index system of the community health service thus to estimate the reliability of Delphi method .

  29. 用专家咨询法和求算术均数的方法确定了各级指标的权重系数。

    Based on it , the weighing coefficient of the three-level indexes was worked out by using expert consultation method and Sum Average method .

  30. 方法:采用专家咨询法和层次分析法建立军队医院临床学科质量控制评估指标体系,运用综合评价法构建评估模型。

    Methods : Set up the index system with experts ' consultation and analytic hierarchy process , and establish evaluation model with general evaluation .