
  1. 扶持生态农业发展的财政支出政策刍议

    Tentative Suggestions on the Fiscal Expenditure Policies to Develop Ecological Agriculture

  2. 中国转型期财政支出政策再研究

    A study of fiscal expenditure policy in China 's transitionary period

  3. 财政支出政策效应的时变参数分析

    Empirical Analysis of Fiscal Expenditure Effectiveness with Time-Varying Parameter Model

  4. 基于城乡社会断裂的中国财政支出政策研究

    The Study of Fiscal Expenditure on the Broken of Urban and Rural Social Structure in China

  5. 多级政府体制下财政支出政策的调控效果:理论与实证

    The Regulating Effects of Fiscal Expenditure Policy Under the Multilevel Government System : Theory and Evidence

  6. 地方政府财政支出政策作为政府可以直接控制的工具,非常便于操作。

    Local government expenditure policy , which the government can directly control , is very easy to operate .

  7. 该部分论述了西方学者和我国学者关于财政支出政策与经济增长的若干具有代表性的观点。

    It is discussed several typical opinion of western and Chinese scholars about fiscal expenditure and economic growth .

  8. 而用来抵御经济危机的宏观调控政策中,财政支出政策是一个重要的方面。

    And to withstand the economic crisis of the macroeconomic regulation and control policy , fiscal expenditure policy is an important aspect .

  9. 为此,从财政支出政策和财政收入政策两方面提出了促进循环经济发展的路径选择。

    Therefore , we proposed the path selection in promoting circular economy development from the financial expenditure policy and the financial revenue policy .

  10. 同时,财政支出政策,包括购买性支出政策和转移性支出政策,往往比财政收入政策更能促进农民收入持续稳定的增长。

    And the fiscal expenditure policy , including purchase expenditure policy and transfer expenditure policy , is better to the growth of the peasants ' income .

  11. 发展低碳经济必须大力发挥政府调控作用,其中,财政支出政策无疑是理想的、具有很强的操作性。

    A low carbon economy must play a strong role of government regulation , which is undoubtedly the ideal fiscal expenditure policy , and has a strong operational .

  12. 但就稳定职能来说,财政支出政策明显地要好于财政收入政策,综合预算政策基本上与稳定职能保持一致。

    In view of Stabilizing function , the policy of expenditure should be better than the policy of revenues , the comprehensive budget policy keeps unanimity with stabilizing function basically .

  13. 财政支出政策从具体的预算投入政策、政府采购政策、转移支付政策、税式支出政策提出了具体的完善对策。

    On the sides of innovating the financial expenditure policies , the dissertation brings forward some detail measures from budget input policy , government procurement , transfer payment and tax expenditure .

  14. 第四部分财政支出政策因素对低碳经济发展的分析,引入国家竞争优势理论,对财政支出政策的几个因素进行分析。

    The fourth part of the fiscal expenditure policy factors on the analysis of low-carbon economy , the introduction of national competitive advantage theory , fiscal expenditure policy , several factors were analyzed .

  15. 西方有代表性的观点有:财政支出政策有效论和无效论;赤字财政有效论;财政支出结构优化论。

    Representative western opinions includes : the theories of effectiveness and ineffectiveness of fiscal expenditure policy ; the theory of deficit financing effectiveness ; the theory of the optimization of the fiscal expenditure structure .

  16. 首先,回顾了国内外文献对缩小收入分配差距的财政支出政策的研究进展,指出了现有研究文献的不足,并明确了论文的研究方向和重点。

    Firstly , review the research progress of literature on narrowing the income distribution gap expenditure policy , points out the deficiency of existing research literature , and find the thesis research direction and key .

  17. 根据本文的结论,结合2008年金融危机以来我国财政支出政策,综合的评价了此次财政支出政策的实施效果,并且提出了相关意见和建议。

    According to the conclusions of this paper , combined with China since the 2008 financial crisis , fiscal expenditure policy , comprehensive evaluation of the implementation of the policy effects of fiscal spending , and put forward relevant comments and suggestions .

  18. 同时,详细介绍了巴西、哥斯达黎加、美国和德国生态补偿的财政支出政策,分析其对我建立生态补偿财政政策的启示。

    Additionally , the ecological compensation fiscal expenditure policies in Brazil , Costarica , American and German were introduced and their revelations were analyzed . Many countries ' ecological compensation tax practice were reviewed in this chapter . Introduced in detail the .

  19. 然后探究了财政支出政策、税收政策、信贷政策、利率政策、汇率政策等各财政金融政策工具对产业结构升级的影响机制,理清了它们之间的传导机制。

    And it then explores the influence of the fiscal expenditure policy , tax policy , credit policy , interest rate policy and exchange rate policy and other various fiscal and financial policy on the industrial structure upgrade mechanism , clear the transmission mechanism between them .

  20. 无论是关税政策、税收政策、财政支出政策、补贴政策,还是财政政策与其他政策的协调配合,都自然地成为外贸政策的重要组成部分,对中国外贸出口发展起着鼓励或抑制的作用。

    Whether such measures concerned the areas of tariffs , taxation , expenditure or subsidies , or any mixture of financial and other measures , they formed a natural combination within an integrated foreign trade policy that worked to encourage or depress China 's export development .

  21. 随着税收优惠政策的日益规范及优惠政策逐渐由区域转向产业,地方政府利用税收优惠政策做大经济蛋糕的空间日益减小,从而迫使其逐渐转向财政支出政策手段。

    With the tax preferential policy increasingly standardize and the preferential policy is gradually from the region to industry , the local governments using the preferential tax policy to expand the economic cake space is reduced , thereby forcing them gradually shifted to the fiscal expenditure policy means .

  22. 财政教育支出政策与收入分配

    The Policies of Fiscal Expenditure for Education and Income Distribution

  23. 中国农业财政支出的政策取向

    China 's Policy choice of Fiscal Expenditure in Agriculture

  24. 财政预算支出政策是加大政府环保投入的重要政策保障。

    Fiscal expenditure policy is an important policy support to increase government investment in environmental protection .

  25. 希望对进一步完善财政农业支出政策有所启发。

    I hope that more enlightenment would be inspired for further improving the fiscal agricultural expenditure policy .

  26. 宁夏作为一个传统农业省份,财政农业支出政策在促进农业发展,提高农民收入的同时,也存在诸多问题。

    As a traditional agricultural province , the fiscal expenditure policy of Ningxia still has many problems while promoting agricultural development and improving the income of the farmers .

  27. 随着财政预算支出政策不断完善,环境财政投入力度不断加强,为环境保护事业的发展提供了有效的资金保障。

    With the continuous improvement of fiscal expenditure policy , the fiscal investment in the environment increase gradually , which provide an effective funds guarantee for the development of the cause of environmental protection .

  28. “由于联邦基金利率近于零,”斯特恩写道,“可能无法用货币宽松政策来为财政支出调整政策配套,除非美联储决定再次实施资产收购计划(我们认为这种可能性很低)。”

    " With the funds rate close to the zero lower bound , " stehn writes , " a spending based adjustment could not be accompanied by monetary easing unless the Fed decided to adopt another asset purchase program ( which we think is highly unlikely ) . "

  29. 现行财政支出和税收政策还有很多不尽完善的地方。

    Current policies of fiscal payout and revenue have some incompletely point .

  30. 本文通过实证分析,研究了形成这一趋势的原因,并给出了改善我国财政支出比率的政策建议。

    This paper studies the causes for the trend by an empirical analysis , and states some suggestions to improve the ratio in China .