
cái chǎn bǎo xiǎn yè wù
  • property insurance businesses
  1. 用DEA方法评价中国有财产保险业务的公司

    Estimation for Chinese Companies with business of Non-life insurance by DEA Method

  2. 车险是我国财产保险业务的龙头险种。

    The auto insurance , which is the leading business insurance in china of the property insurance .

  3. 同一保险人不得同时兼营财产保险业务和人身保险业务。

    An insurer shall not concurrently engage in business of both property insurance and insurance of persons .

  4. 自留保险费越多,说明保险公司承保的财产保险业务量越大。

    Leave insurance premium oneself more , the property insurance portfolio that shows insurance company accept insurance is larger .

  5. 财产保险业务,包括财产损失保险、责任保险、信用保险等保险业务;

    Property insurance business which includes insurance against loss or damage to property , liability insurance and credit insurance ;

  6. 以寿险为主业的保险集团整合资源开展财产保险业务具有多方面的优势和可行性,但同时也存在着多种进入壁垒。

    There are many advantages enjoyed by insurance group companies which based on life insurance to expand into property insurance business , so are there great feasibilities .

  7. 加之2007年机动车辆强制保险制度的实施,车险业务规模所占份额基本稳定在整个财产保险业务规模的60%以上,成为财产保险的第一大险种。

    Since compulsory insurance of vehicles has carried out in 2007 , the scale of vehicle insurance business is basically stabilized over 60 % , becoming the first major insurance of property insurance .

  8. 在我国的财产保险业务里车险已经成为了第一大险种,成为了财险的晴雨表,占据了70%以上的业务。

    Motor vehicle insurance has become the largest auto insurance in property insurance business in China which has become a " barometer " of property insurance and takes possession of more than 70 % business .

  9. 目前,机动车辆保险(简称:车险)占整个财产保险业务的60%以上,个别新成立公司的车险保险费收入占比已达90%以上,车险支撑着整个财险业的发展。

    Currently the vehicle insurance is a major part , up to 60 % of the total insurance industry . For some newly founded insurance companies , it is even up to 90 % of its business .

  10. 如果美国国际集团控股公司获准破产,一般房主得不到保险索赔的可能性很小,因为该公司地方财产保险业务运行稳定,经营有方。

    The chances of the average homeowner not getting an insurance claim paid if AIG 's holding company had been allowed to go under were slim , since its local property and casualty operations are sturdy and well-run .

  11. 改革开放后,国内财产保险业务恢复以来,保费收入以年均25.3%的速度[1]快速增长,在我国经济建设中起到越来越重要的作用。

    Since China had recovered the business of Property insurance , the insurance premium had increased as the speed 25.3 % per annum . And the property insurance has takes more and more important part in the economy building .

  12. 此后,该集团一直积极致力于向中国大中型企业推销其财产和意外保险业务。

    Since then , the Swiss group has been actively marketing property and casualty options to large and medium-sized Chinese companies .

  13. 财产保险一直是保险业务的主要组成部分。

    Property insurance has been a main component of the business .