
cái chǎn quán yì jiū fēn
  • dispute involving property rights
  1. 第二条平等主体的公民、法人和其他组织之间发生的合同纠纷和其他财产权益纠纷,可以仲裁。

    Article 2 Disputes over contracts and disputes over property rights and interests between citizens , legal persons and other organizations as equal subjects of law may be submitted to arbitration .

  2. 随着美术作品原件和版权交易的发展,美术作品作者面对的财产权益纠纷越来越多。

    Along with more and more transactions of original artworks and copyright , it occurs to the author that there is a tendency of an increasing number of the property rights disputes .

  3. 仲裁作为一种解决合同纠纷和其他财产权益纠纷的重要方式,在处理国际和国内民商事纠纷中,普遍地被人们所采用。

    In the settlement of international or domestic civil and commercial cases , arbitration that is an important way of settling contract disputes or disputes involving property rights is adopted commonly by the parties to the disputes .