
  • 网络Financial control;Finance and control
  1. 第五章:SQ集团公司企业财务管控模式设计。

    The fifth chapter : enterprise group financial control mode design .

  2. 并以XH集团为例,结合当前十二五规划中文化类企业发展的普遍特点和运行轨迹,明确财务管控模式需跟随企业战略转型进行相应调整。

    Take XH group as an example and take into account of the common features and path of development for culture enterprises in the current twelfth Five-Year Plan , this paper comes up with the issue of adjustment in financial management and control as a result of the strategic transformation .

  3. 财务管控是一个企业进行管理工作的核心。

    Financial management and control is the core of an enterprise management .

  4. 重组后,澳柯玛公司完善了公司治理,建立了财务管控体系,危机管理取得了较好的效果。

    After reorganization , AUCMA company perfected corporate governance , established financial regulation system , and gained preferable effect in crisis management .

  5. 因此,临矿集团财务管控体系建设与现代企业集团的管理要求仍有差距,没有实现集团财务资源管理的最佳协同效应,制约了集团发展战略的顺利实施。

    Therefore , there is still gap between the finance management and control of Linyi Mining and the management requirements of modern conglomerate .

  6. 财务管控是集团进行有效管理的重要手段,并且对集团的持续健康发展起着十分重要的支撑作用。

    Financial management and control Group for effective management , plays a very important role in supporting sustained and healthy development of the Group .

  7. 第四部分简单介绍福建省地矿局的情况,重点分析福建省地矿局目前财务管控存在的问题。

    The four part briefs Fujian Province Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration and Development and analysis the current problems of financial management and control .

  8. 因此,企业集团应建立以战略规划为导向的财务管控措施和监控体系,并根据自身实际情况不断进行动态调整和完善。

    Therefore , the enterprise groups should establish the financial control measures and monitoring system that is based on the strategic plan . According to the practical situations , the system should be dynamically adjusted and improved .

  9. 第五部分针对福建省地矿局存在的问题,提出了财务管控的具体方法和措施,试图能够对所研究的内容做出案例说明。

    The five part put forward specific measures of financial management and control to resort the issues of Fujian Province Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration and Development , tries to be able to make a case in the studies described .

  10. 预算管理经历了近百年的从理论到实践的发展,被广泛应用于国内外众多的企业,被认为是行之有效的系统的财务管控工具,兼具成本管理、控制、激励、评价等一系列功能。

    During hundred years development in both theory and practice , Budgeting Management has been used by numerous oversea and local companies . Budgeting Management is considered as a effective financial management tool which can provide multiple functions including cost management , internal control , motivation and evaluation .

  11. ZX集团对子公司财务风险管控中仍存在着管控模式不成熟、管控效率低下、风险预警滞后和监督机制不健全等一系列问题,导致集团风险管控效果不理想。

    ZX in subsidiary financial risk management still exist : controlling model is not mature , inefficiency , risk warning lag and the supervision mechanism is not perfect etc. , leading to the group risk control effect is not ideal .

  12. 浅析现代企业集团财务集中管控的必要性

    The Brief Discussion on the Necessity of Finance Centralized Management of Modern Enterprise Group

  13. 在这种思想的指导下,本文针对保险公司提出了一些财务风险管控的策略。

    Under this consideration , this paper provides a number of financial risks control policy for insurance companies .

  14. 因此,企业集团财务集中管控是一个具有重大现实意义的课题。

    Therefore , the enterprise groups , centralized financial management and control is a subject of great practical significance .

  15. 财产保险公司二级及以下分支机构的财务风险及其管控

    Accounting Risk and Management for Branches of Property Insurance Corporation

  16. 第三部分界定了本文的研究对象,即只对国有地质勘查单位集团财务控制进行研究,分析地勘单位的特征属性和财务管控特点。

    The third part defines the object of study , that is , only for geological exploration unit of state-owned financial control study .

  17. 开展基建项目全过程财务管理体系研究,对于贯彻落实公司财务集约化管理要求,增强财务工作的创新能力和服务能力,发挥财务成本管控和风险防范职能意义重大。

    Carrying out the research of full-process fiscal management system is of great significance for incorporating the demands of companies ' fiscal intensive management , for strengthening the innovative and service capabilities of fiscal work as well as for performing the function of fiscal cost-control and risk-prevention .